God Keeps All His Promises

 What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.” (Genesis 28:15)
Beloved, what a blessing it is to have God as our personal guardian!

He’s promised to protect us wherever we go and give us all the good things He’s promised in His Word.

He goes before us to prepare the path and clear off our enemies.
He protects us from the back to prevent any unforeseen attacks.

Whatever the enemy has planned, He is always many steps ahead.

Even when Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, God used it to raise him to the highest office in Egypt.

Even when the Roman soldiers nailed Jesus to the Cross, God used it to redeem us.

For truly nothing can disrupt God’s plan for you. His plan to prosper you will continue to be in motion until He’s finished giving you everything He has promised you.

You no longer need to worry about anything, for God Has promised to supply everything you need according to His riches in Glory.
And unlike some people on earth who break their promises, God is incapable of lying and His Word never returns to Him void.

So rest in His protection and supply today.

Be comforted by the many promises and blessings of God.

He’ll lead you out of captivity, into a land flowing with milk and honey.

Go ahead! Drink from wells you did not dig. Eat from vineyards you did not build.

For God has given you rest, abundance, health, peace, and every other good thing – exceeding abundantly, above and beyond anything you can ever ask or think.

All because of what Jesus has done.

Be Greatly Blessed!

 Action Steps:

Remember God’s promises today. Whatever you need, whatever you seek, God has already provided them for you through Christ Jesus.

Trust in God’s Word. Do not be deceived by the illusions of the world.

For faith is the substance of things hoped for. Believe in God’s promises, and you shall see them come to pass in your life.

Let’s pray…


Father, thank you for all the promises you’ve given me.

What an assurance it is to know that you’re always with me.

No matter what I do, no matter where I go, you’ll never leave me nor forsake me.

For, you always keep your promises.

You Word never returns to you void.

May your favour be upon me wherever my foot treads.

May all that I do greatly glorify your Name.

For truly, you’re worthy of the praise of a thousand tribes.

So bless me and keep me today Lord, as I keep your promises in my heart.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


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