_“Look, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, ...” (Revelation 1: 7)_
The book of Revelation is about the Second Coming of the Lord. The glorious announcement of the theme of this book is in verse 7. Here we have the first prophetic oracle in the book. It comes after the opening greeting. And the prophetic oracle is, “Look, He is coming.” That is what the book is about. So here, John says, “Look, pay attention”. Why? “Jesus is coming.” This is present tense. It does not say, “He will come”. It says, “He is coming” and this is intended to give us the feeling that He is already on the way, that the process of His coming has already begun. This statement, “He is coming” is really drawn out of Daniel 7: 13, which says, “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a Son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven”, and then Daniel 7: 14 says, “He was given authority, glory and sovereign power”. The “Coming One” was a title for the Messiah. In the book of Matthew we have an interesting reference to it. In John the Baptist was in prison and he sent word through his disciples to Jesus. And they said to Him, “Are you the coming one?” (Matthew 11:3) The Jews knew that the “Coming One” was a Messianic title. That same verb, that means “Coming” is used directly and indirectly with reference to Christ, nine times in the book of Revelation. This book, then is about the coming of the Coming One! Jesus is already coming and so we are to live in eager expectation. Scoffers have always wanted to deny the Second Coming because it is connected with judgment and they are not willing to face it. But in spite of what the scoffers say the Bible makes it clear that Jesus will return.
Dear friends, we are living in the end times. The Lord will appear in the clouds in the mid air with thousands of angels to take His loved ones along with Him. Just think for a moment. Will you be one in this saintly crowd? or will you be left behind? If there is any sin in your life that would prevent you to meet the Lord, confess it to Him today and reconcile with Him. Now is the time. Do not delay. Get ready to meet the Lord.
*PRAYER* : Dear Lord, the Bible is full of promises regarding Your Second Coming. The modern world may scoff at it but these promises will certainly come true soon. Let me prepare myself for this glorious event. Forgive all my sins. Help me to live a holy life always expecting Your coming. Amen.
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