_"After a long time the master of  those servants returned and settled accounts with them.”(Matthew 25: 19)_

In this parable of talents we read that each servant was given money according to his ability.  The man with much ability was given five talents.  (One talent was worth more than a thousand dollars!) The man with average ability received two talents, and the man with minimal ability received one talent.  Warren Wiersbe writes, “These three servants fell into two categories - faithful and unfaithful.”  The faithful servants took their talents and put them to work for the Lord. The unfaithful servant hid his talent in the earth.  Instead of using his opportunities, he buried them!  He did not purposely do evil.  But by doing nothing, he was committing sin and robbing the Lord of service. On the other hand, the other two men who put their money to work each received commendation. (Matthew 25: 21,23)  They started as servants but the Lord promoted them as rulers.  They were faithful with a few things, so the Lord trusted them with many things.  They had worked and toiled, and now they enjoyed God’s blessing.  Their faithfulness gave each of them a capacity for greater service and responsibility.  The third servant was unfaithful and therefore he was not rewarded.  Because he was afraid that he might fall, he never tried. He feared life and his responsibilities.  This paralyzed him with anxiety, so he buried the talent to protect it.  The least he could have done was to put the money in the bank and collect some interest.  There was no real risk in that.  But he did not do anything.  The master reprimanded the unfaithful, unprofitable servant, and then took his talent from him.

Dear friends, the talents represent opportunities to use our abilities. We are living in the period of time between Matthew 25: 18 and 19. The Master has assigned our ministries according to the abilities and gifts.  Do we consider it as a privilege to serve the Lord and multiply His resources?  Do we labor  faithfully for Him until the Lord comes or do we bury our talents and waste them? “After a long time” He is going to return.  If we are faithful and profitable, we shall receive our reward.  Or else we will receive eternal condemnation.

*PRAYER* :  Heavenly Father, You have given me gifts and talents according to my ability.  Let me not keep them idle, but put them to use, so that when You come back I would receive the reward and not punishment.  Help me to be a faithful steward and bring glory to Your name.  Amen.

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