_“So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man wll come at an hour when you do not expect Him.”(Matthew 24: 44)_
“As it was in the days of Noah” .... How were those days? They were characterised by godlessness and rampant sinfulness. Every inclination of the thoughts of man’s heart was only evil all the time. (Genesis 6: 5) Sinful, materialistic, hypocritical, godless mankind has always been wilfully blind to God and His Word of Truth, no matter how compelling that truth may be. And when God’s truth exposes people’s wicknedness, they make every effort to oppose and condemn it. (Romans 1: 18) Noah preached righteousness (II Peter 2: 5) for quite a period, yet without the slightest impact except his own family! The result was that the entire human race was unprepared for the coming judgment, just as all unbelieving people of this world are unprepared for the Second Coming of the Lord. What kept the people from listening to Noah’s message and obeying? Jesus tells us here in Matthew 24: 38,39 that before the flood the people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, selling, planting, building and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. Of the activities mentioned here not one is evil in itself, but when done without God all are worldly. The people lost the best by living for the good. Then the great flood came suddenly. Flood is Kataklusmos which gives our English word cataclysm - a large scale and violent event in the natural world, a sudden violent upheaval, disaster, catastrophe, calamity, tragedy, devastation. The men of Noah’s days failed to realize their perilous situation until it was too late. This generation is utterly oblivious to the Word of God. Most people do not know that Jesus may come at any time. Break into a conversation today and ask people if they are expecting Jesus to come back. That will bring a look that takes you for an insane person!
Dear friends, we have split the atom and and walked on the moon. We fear the possibility of nuclear disaster, but something greater still is going to happen. Jesus is coming. And sudden disaster for the wicked also is coming. How dangerous it is to get so absorbed in the pursuits of life forgetting the coming of these two events!
*PRAYER* : Dear Lord, though warned of the coming flood, the people in Noah’s days lived as if they were flood proof and when it came, they were unprepared. That is just the way it will be when You return. Help me to be in You, the ark of safety and escape the terrible times. Amen
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