Correct Biblical Principles -TOBI ( Bible Study )

For the sake of New Students/ Readers, ,I'm go in to begin with a Bible Lecture on..

Correct Biblical Principles.... (Especially in Studying God's Word,, as well as your deep, Theological Studies



Father in heaven. Please open our understanding, to clearly...Perceive Thy Word, in Jesus' Mighty Name...we pray. Amen


Here's the Scriptural Reference for our Lecture :

KJV ( 2 Timothy 3:15-16 ) “15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise Unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness..”


This is our Introductory Bible Lecture. As part of a Series, dealing with..Correct Biblical Interpretation...!!!

Stay tuned for next  Lecture,

 Now...listen carefully,, the Bible is the greatest of all books, ever Written God Himself speaks to men. As a book... Of divine instruction,, It offers comfort in sorrow, Guidance in perplexity,, advice and counsel for our problems, reproof and rebuke for our sins,,..and daily inspiration for our every need!!

Actually,, It's not just simply one book. It is an entire Library of books.. covering a wide range of Literature.

 It includes history,, poetry,, drama,, biography,Prophecy,,philosophy,,science,,as well as inspirational reading!! Little wonder,,then,,that all or Part of the Bible has been translated into more than..1200 languages,,and every year...more Copies are sold.. than any other single book.!!


The Bible capable of providing answers to the greatest questions that folk through out All ages have asked..e.g..

Where have I come from...?? Where am I go in? Why am I here?? And How can I know the Truth??....


You see...It's the Bible,,only,,that reveals the Truth about God..

(that's why...we studying Theology,, Right????)

The Bible explains the origin of man...explains that age-old problem of sin,,and suffering.. THEN,,points out the ONLY Way to Salvation and Eternal Life...!!!


The Great Subject of all the Bible,,is..

The Lord Jesus Christ and His Work of Redemption for all mankind!!!

Thus,,the Person and Work..(which we endeavour to study thoroughly,,this year)...are promised,, prophesied,,and pictured in the Types (ie Typology,,come on,,stay close with me here..)..and Symbols of the Old Testament...!!!

(Any wonder,,why we're studying,,Old Testament History???...)

And we shall deal more carefully and in depth when we look at..

Old Testament Apologetics!!

In all of His Truth and Beauty,,the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed (so remarkably) the Gospels!!

And the full meanings of His Life,,His Death,,and His Resurrection,,are explained in the Epistles (or Letters)..!


Glorious,,imminent Return (..Second Coming) this earth in the not so distant future,,,is Unmistakably foretold in the Book of Revelation...!!!

Thus..the Great Purpose of the Written no doubt,,to reveal the...

Living Word,,the Lord Jesus Christ Himself!!!!

(Look at..John our Scripture Reference)..!!

Now..before I wrap up...the Lecture..

Allow outline the following...Which I wish to call..

The Seven Great Things,,that The Bible does for our Individual( Study) Benefit:

1#...The Bible helps us discover and bring conviction of..SIN.

2#...It helps to CLEANSE us..from sin's pollution.!

3#...It IMPARTS Strength..!!

4#...It Instructs WHAT to do.!!

5#...It Provides us with a Sword for Victory over sin!!

6#...It makes our lives Fruitful!!

7#...It gives us,,POWER to Pray more effectively!!

May God bless you as you pledge to further study thoroughly His Holy Word,,as you,,as a Fellow

Disciple and Minister of the Gospel,,prepare to serve in God's Vineyard!!!



Let's bow our heads as we pray..

Father,,,gentle take each one of us by the hand and lead us through,,the Journey of Discovery,,

Of Thy Eternal Truth,,may..Whilst It works IN us,,work also THROUGH us,,in Thy Precious Name,,

The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,,Amen...


Our next Lecture,,will deal more with Correct Biblical Interpretation,,in greater details


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good teaching sir,.. God bless you.i m blessed by the Bible study..

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