The Correct Principles of Biblical Interpretation...!!!
Let's bow our heads in a word..of prayer,, shall we..??!
Merciful Father,, how excellent is Thy Name,, in all the earth!!
We bow before Thy adoration. There is Thee..!!
Make our hearts (minds).. receptive to the Teaching of Truth derived in Thy Jesus Christ mighty Name we ask...Amen..
Psalms 119:105,,serves as our Scriptural Reference tonight as we look into these Principles of Interpretation...
And it declares.. ( obviously in the KJV..)..😉
"Thy a LAMP unto my FEET,... and a ..LIGHT..unto my PATH ....( emphasis is mine...!)..!!"... you may...or may not know..,,
The Bible was written by approximately 40 men,,over a period covering about,, 1500 years..!
And since the last writer of the Bible has been dead for over more than..1900 years..there are definite problems in understanding the..
exact meaning of certain passages of the Bible!!!
So...there's a need to interpret CLEARLY,, certain passages of the Bible... because there's a gap...
between the way we think and the WORDS we use today,,and the words used by those Bible writers,, thousands of years ago.!
Most Bible Scholars have pointed out that there are ...
Language gaps.., ie..differences in words that we use:
There are also...
Cultural gaps... because,, different customs were in vogue,, back then..!!
There are...
Geographical gaps,,... certain rivers that are spoken of in the Bible,, have long since..dried up!!
Now some..places..spoken of frequently in the Bible...
are NOT on our modern maps..!!
And then ..
there are Historical gaps Bible speaks of kings and empires which existed only years ago..!!
Therefore...there is need...for..
Correct Biblical interpretation !!!
So...this is what you have been waiting for...
Let's look at these Principles in greater detail..shall we...
1#...ALWAYS...remember that the Bible is Gods
iow...There are NO..mistakes in the Bible..!
God has included everything in the Bible...thats necessary for know.,,concerning Salvation..and your..Christian life..!
2#...Interpret the Bible in the light of its..
Historical background ..!!
Here are three aspects...of this:
2.a)#...Study the Personal circumstances of the writer..!!
e.g...when studying the Book of is very important to understand WHERE John was and WHAT he was doing when God gave him..this marvelous revelation!!
2b)#...Next...Study the culture and customs of the country at the time...the story was taking place...e.g..
When studying about Ruth...its important to note..the customs concerning widows...
redemption of property ..., they are explained in the Book of Leviticus 25...and Deut 25...respectively..!!
2c)#..and the third aspect..of THIS Principle is to Study and Interpret the Bible in light of the actual historical situation..and events that were taking the time...of the Story.!!
e.g...when Studying about the is important to REALIZE that the entire land of Palestine and all of the Jews were being governed and oppressed by the Roman Empire...AT THAT TIME...!!!
So...tonight we have just focused on these Two Main..Principles of Correct Biblical Interpretation.. where we shall...PAUSE..
Just for order to allow all this to digest in be absorbed..until its crystal clear..!!
We WILL look at more Principles...tomorrow..!!
Let us pray...
Father...indeed...Thy Word...IS...a Lamp..
Thank YOU...Lord ..for enlightening...our minds..thus far.!!
We look forward to learning MORE...of Thy Powerful...Word..!
May..we apply...what we have learned..up Jesus Name..Amen.
God all..
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