Today we will learn about spiritual discernment.before we get in ...
Let's pray.shall we.:
Father, we thank You for allowing dig deeper into Your Treasure Box..of Truth!
We know that as we search, we shall find, more meaningful gems..,as enabled by Your Spirit, in the Name of.Yahushua we pray..,Amen.
Scriptural References:
Jer 17:9..,1Cor 2:14..,and.., John 1:5..,respectively!!
Introductory Comments: have a question..:
What is.God ( from now our Lectures, I'll be referring to ..ELOHIM.., instead of..' God'!!)really like...??
It's a simple question, yet.made complex.., because the Scriptures says..
"..the heart ( or mind),is DECEITFUL above all things, and desperately wicked: WHO CAN KNOW IT??"..Jer 17:9. 1 Cor 2:14.., Paul..( Sha'ul ,in Hebrew) ,reiterates,..
"...the THINGS of the Spirit... are..SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED..!!"
By nature, we..( humans) are.deceitful, we do not understand, and we actually do NOT seek after Elohim!!
Elohim's thoughts,.. are completely DIFFERENT to ours!!
Therefore it is impossible for us to seek and find Elohim with the mindset that WE...are the ones who initiate the desire to find Him!! actual fact..,tis Elohim who seeks after us!!
We discover this.., marvelously illustrated in the parable of the Lost Sheep..( see Luke 15)!!
Now.the sad truth is.. WHILE we have the ignorance of a sheep, we also have the nature of a serpent!!
This means..,that when Elohim seeks after us.. WE...naturally push Him..away and reject Him!!
Hmmmm.., something to ponder about!!
Just look at our 3rd Scripture Reference, it actually declares that...
"...the darkness ( obviously.., due to clouds of lies and deception) COMPREHENDED it NOT!!"
...John 1:5.
Further 1:11..,
"..He ( Yahushua) came unto His own,and His own received Him..NOT!!"
now.that's sad,indeed!!
First in line, to receive of His grace,His mercy, His Divine Oracles, were His own People, the Yahudim ( A.K.A...Jews), a Nation, they too rejected the Promised Messiah..
YAHUSHUA Ha Mashiach!!
Now, we shall not go too in depth on this, as it's goin to take.a very thorough study, step by step, for us to unravel many traditional concepts that we have misapplied over eons of time, as result of pagan influence!!
Our.subject is.dealing with Spiritual Discernment, being a POSSIBILITY!!
Obviously, the adverse concept, would be to refer to it being an.impossibility!!
And that... is NOT.what we shall find!!
On the contrary,..
Spiritual Discernment is.a NECESSITY!!
AND.. VITALLY IMPORTANT in times like these, because we've become inundated with deceptive concepts, that surround us on every hand!!
So...,in our next Lecture, we shall continue to develop this possible concept, as we further search the Scriptures, as we explore Elohim's..
DIVINE NARRATIVE..., on Spiritual Discernment!! be blessed, as I am,..,as together, we see...
"..WONDROUS things out of Elohim's Holy Word, the Scriptures!!
Let us pray.
Father, we are so glad to have such opportunity to search the Scriptures,.. may we continue to find more Truth, in so doin, in the Name of Yahushua, we ask, Amen!! time, may you be blessed, and... much love!!
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