_“But I tell you the truths:   It is for your good that I am going away.  ...” (John 16:  7)_

In John 14: 28, Jesus told His disciples: “I am going away and I am coming back to you.  If you loved me  you would be glad that I am going to the Father”, and in John 16: 7 He said, “It is for your good that I am going away.”  How could it possibly have been to the apostles’ good that Jesus should leave them?  They had three marvelous years in His company.  They watched Him feed the hungry, heal the sick and raise the dead!  What could Jesus have meant?  Well.  John Stott writes, “The apostles experienced two major drawbacks”.  Firstly, while Jesus was with them on earth, His presence was localized.  So they were sometimes separated from one another. For example, once when they were in the boat, Jesus was praying on the mountain.  They could not enjoy uninterrupted fellowship with Him.  Henry Drummond explains it this way - suppose Jesus was still in Jerusalem.  Every ship and plane would be crowded with Christian pilgrims and suppose you were in one of them.  With much difficulty you land there.  But you find that every road is congested and crowded.  Between you and Jerusalem lies a seething mass of people.  You have come to Jesus but you will never see Him!  It was to avoid such frustration that Jesus went away and sent the Holy Spirit to take His place.  For what the Holy Spirit has done is to universalize the presence of Jesus and to make Him accessible to everybody everywhere. The second drawback was that while Jesus was with them on earth, His presence was external.  He could not enter their personality or change them from within, getting at the source of their thoughts, motives and desires.  But the Holy Spirit would live in them and will be with them. (John 14: 17)  Thus the Holy Spirit internalizes the presence of Jesus so that Christ dwells by His Spirit in our hearts and transforms us into His likeness. 

Dear friends, it is, therefore, greatly to our advantage that Jesus went away, for in His place He has sent the Holy Spirit.  And the Holy Spirit has made the presence of Jesus no longer local but universal, no longer external but internal.

*PRAYER* :  Dear Lord, You are now in heaven seated at the right hand of the Father and You have sent Your Holy Spirit to be with me and to live in me to transform me in Your likeness.  By Your Holy Spirit I can have fellowship with You always.  Thank You for this great privilege.  Amen.


_“God did not call us to be impure but to live a holy life.”(I Thessalonians 4: 7)_

A little band of new converts once came to a missionary with a strange request.  “We are always hearing what God has done,” they said.  “Now tell us what He is going to do?” The missionary thought for a moment.  Then as led by the Holy Spirit quoting this passage from I Thessalonians 4: 16, he said to them with great enthusiasm and he joyfully told the people,  “He is coming again!”  Looking for Jesus never makes idle hands.  It does not mean living a life of idleness.  If we are expecting a loved one to return home after a long absence, we would not just sit down as the day of his return approached.  Rather we would be busy getting everything ready, doing the things the loved one wanted. Paul writes in I Thessalonians 3 and 4 to do the certain things while we wait for that day of Christ’s appearing - right living (3: 13), consistent walk (4: 1), purity (4: 3-7) and love (4: 9,10).  Paul urges that we should live a life that is consistent with our testimony.  This is the place where most Christians fail.  A Christian’s walk is a Christian’s life.  A pastor once commented of his flock: “There is much crooked walk by those who make good talk.”  Our walk and our talk should be twins going along on the same trait.  Let us strive to have our ideals beyond reproach. Our attitude toward each other should be one of love.  Remember the two commandments Jesus gave.  First, “Love the Lord your God” and second, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Paul charges us to make our love increase and overflow for each other (3: 12).  All the way Paul asks us to “work” and “labor” while we hope for that blessed day.

Dear friends,  Luke 12: 40 says, “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.” Every morning when we rise we should say to ourselves, “Be ready for the Lord’s return for He may come today.”  Every night our closing question should be,  “Would I be ready for my Lord if He should come before I wake up?”  Let us live every day that we may be ready for Christ’s coming!                                      (I Thessalonians 5:4-8)

*PRAYER* :  Dear Lord, help me to cultivate thoughts and habits that would make me live a worthy life while I wait for Your appearance.  Let me not live a life of sleepy indulgence but be alert and self-controlled.  Let this be my attitude so that I will not have fear of that day.  Amen.


Men and women are very different creatures in numerous ways. In general, the female of our species has other ways of looking at – and communicating with – the world around them.
In the context of a relationship, women value communication above all else. Is it fair to state that women need more interaction in a relationship than a man? In most cases, yes.
In an article written in Psych Central, the author explains the role of communication relating to healthy relationships:
“Men and women desire to satisfy their partners, but they may miss the mark because it is truly difficult to understand and accept our partner’s different ways of communication. Men and women need education on these differences to help their relationships, so they do not end up in a frustrated state of resentment and feel stuck.”
This article touches on five things a woman says and, more importantly, the meaning of these words.


1. “FINE.”
“Fine,” as in “What you’re doing is not fine, and I’m pissed.” This single word’s meaning can be deciphered by her tone; if she draws the “F” sound out (the other “f” word is probably relative here) for a tad longer than usual, it’s time to shut your trap. Many women will use this word to bring closure to a conversation – at least for the time being.

“Give me five minutes,” “Give me a few,” and “Wait a few minutes” are all modern variations of this one. We’re not going to stereotype – some women are excellent time managers, and will likely finish their business within said time.
On the other hand (in many cases), if she says, “five minutes” while walking to the bathroom to freshen up before a night out, it’s a good time to fire up some “Candy Crush” or fire off some emails. You may be waiting a while.

When a woman responds with a “nothing,” it’s probably because (a) you weren’t paying attention, or (b) she’s ticked at you having to ask about something obvious. Either way, it’s fair to assume that her emotions are fired up.
Oh, and conversations/arguments that start with “Nothing” usually end with “Fine.” Following the conversation’s end, it’s probably best to make yourself disappear for a little while. It’s advisable to prepare for some potential commotion, however.

4. “I’LL DO IT.”
Oh, boy. Someone (not pointing any fingers) screwed the pooch. God help you after abdicating any “You’re the man of the house” responsibility – you’ll need it.
UNLESS, of course, you can still do the job. In this case, you should: act fast, apologize, finish your task, and apologize. A sweet kiss on her cheek may be a nice touch, too. How about a shoulder rub?
If she’s already doing it, you have two options: (a) disappear, or (b) do something to help her. (Notice that remaining idle is not an option.)

There is no hidden message behind this one. Don’t look, talk, or (heaven forbid) touch her until she’s simmered down. Do not, in any way, attempt to engage in conversation – no matter how well-intended. Houseware and other projectiles have been thrown on many-an-occasion by a partner who’s been pushed a bit too far.

A good rule of thumb: do your own thing for a day or so. You’ll know when she’s ready to re-invite you back into her life.
We’ve added a bit of humor because we’re all guilty of saying or doing something boneheaded in a relationship. Sometimes it’s good to have a few laughs.


Know the reason of why you cuddle....


Oxytocin is a versatile hormone that plays important roles in social bonding and sexual reproduction. Cuddling is one way to release this “feel good” chemical, which strengthens the connection we feel with our partner. As you’ll see later on, oxytocin also produces other pleasurable sensations.

Both love and intimate touching stimulate the release of oxytocin. When we cuddle, our bodies create a cocktail of hormones that also help to fight infection. Put simply, intimacy (especially touch and cuddling) can provide a temporary boost to the immune system.

When we engage in touch, intimate or otherwise, the brain releases a flood of dopamine. Dopamine is the brain chemical responsible for reward-motivated behavior and feelings of well-being. A warm embrace and kiss after a long day’s work, or snuggling while watching some TV, initiates a dopamine response – and this can lead to some bedroom activities.

Here again, the chemical oxytocin is at play. As mentioned, oxytocin can strengthen the bond in a relationship. This same bonding mechanism also applies to a mother and her baby. Oxytocin helps new mothers in other ways, as well. First, oxytocin eases the process of breastfeeding. Second, the chemical also encourages sleep – something that a new mother desperately needs!

In a study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology (really?), researchers discovered the potent stress-reducing effects of oxytocin:
– Oxytocin levels increase in response to a “wide variety of stressful stimuli.”
– Oxytocin suppresses physiological stress levels
– Oxytocin lowers norepinephrine (an adrenaline precursor) and decreases blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol (stress) hormones.
These stress-relieving properties are very helpful in our relationships.

Listen, we all have incredibly stressful days when nothing seems to go right. On days like this, it may be difficult to summon the energy needed to communicate with your partner. This is where cuddling comes into play.
Odds are that your partner can ably interpret when you’ve had a rough day. Instead of dwelling in your negativity, initiate some physical contact with your partner. You’ll immediately feel better, your partner will love it, and your loving behavior will communicate for you.

While oxytocin is the primary chemical associated with touch, cuddling can positively impact our brain – it does so by influencing the hormones cortisol and dopamine.
When we’re stressing, the body releases cortisol (“the stress hormone.”) Cortisol decreases our cognitive abilities, increases anxiety, and causes hypertension (high blood pressure.)
Dopamine, for all intents and purposes, is the mirror opposite of cortisol. Dopamine, aptly labeled “the pleasure hormone,” is responsible for numerous brain functions: attention, behavior, cognition, desire, mood, and – of course – feelings of pleasure.


_“... The virgins who were ready went in with Him to the wedding banquet.  And the door was shut.”(Matthew 25: 10)_

In today’s text we read of the ten virgins.  All these ten virgins of this wedding feast had brought lamps and they had some oil in them but five of them - the wise virgins had brought extra oil just in case the groom might delay  they could refill their lamps.  As the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep.  Even the best of Christians sometimes fall asleep in their vigilance in following the Lord, however Paul wrote in IThessalonians 5: 5,6 about how we should be careful to be alert and not to fall asleep.  Commenting upon the importance of being watchful from Revelation 16: 15, “Blessed is he who stays awake”,  Spurgeon once wrote about how we must be careful not to find ourselves falling asleep while serving Jesus.  “I fear that the Christian Church is far more likely to lose her integrity in these soft and silken days than in those rough times.  We must be awake now for we traverse the enchanted ground,  and are most likely to fall asleep, unless our faith in Jesus be a reality and our love to Jesus a vehement flame.” So,  as the ten virgins dozed off to sleep, while waiting for the bridegroom’s return, the little bit of oil had been used up in the lamps of the foolish virgins.  However, the wise virgins had extra supply for their lamps and thus refilled their lamps and were ready to proceed with the bridegroom to the wedding feast.  The foolish virgins asked for little oil from the wise ones, but were denied because the wise virgins had enough oil only for themselves.  So as the foolish virgins went to the shop to buy the oil, it was too late to join the procession. So they missed it, and the door of the wedding feast was shut.

Dear friends, Jesus tells us through this parable that we need to be always on the alert; be diligent to keep our hearts pure for Christ.  This alone will ensure that we will be ready when Christ returns.  We need to be  living each day as if the Lord were to return that day, for if we are not doing that then the Lord will come at a day when we least expect it and it will be too late for us to repent and get our hearts right with Christ.

PRAYER:    Dear Lord, let my lamp be always filled with the oil.  Let me be always alert so that Your coming will not be a shock to me.  Help me to keep my heart pure by meditating on Your precepts and let my love be a burning flame always.  Let my faith in You increase day by day.  Amen.


_"After a long time the master of  those servants returned and settled accounts with them.”(Matthew 25: 19)_

In this parable of talents we read that each servant was given money according to his ability.  The man with much ability was given five talents.  (One talent was worth more than a thousand dollars!) The man with average ability received two talents, and the man with minimal ability received one talent.  Warren Wiersbe writes, “These three servants fell into two categories - faithful and unfaithful.”  The faithful servants took their talents and put them to work for the Lord. The unfaithful servant hid his talent in the earth.  Instead of using his opportunities, he buried them!  He did not purposely do evil.  But by doing nothing, he was committing sin and robbing the Lord of service. On the other hand, the other two men who put their money to work each received commendation. (Matthew 25: 21,23)  They started as servants but the Lord promoted them as rulers.  They were faithful with a few things, so the Lord trusted them with many things.  They had worked and toiled, and now they enjoyed God’s blessing.  Their faithfulness gave each of them a capacity for greater service and responsibility.  The third servant was unfaithful and therefore he was not rewarded.  Because he was afraid that he might fall, he never tried. He feared life and his responsibilities.  This paralyzed him with anxiety, so he buried the talent to protect it.  The least he could have done was to put the money in the bank and collect some interest.  There was no real risk in that.  But he did not do anything.  The master reprimanded the unfaithful, unprofitable servant, and then took his talent from him.

Dear friends, the talents represent opportunities to use our abilities. We are living in the period of time between Matthew 25: 18 and 19. The Master has assigned our ministries according to the abilities and gifts.  Do we consider it as a privilege to serve the Lord and multiply His resources?  Do we labor  faithfully for Him until the Lord comes or do we bury our talents and waste them? “After a long time” He is going to return.  If we are faithful and profitable, we shall receive our reward.  Or else we will receive eternal condemnation.

*PRAYER* :  Heavenly Father, You have given me gifts and talents according to my ability.  Let me not keep them idle, but put them to use, so that when You come back I would receive the reward and not punishment.  Help me to be a faithful steward and bring glory to Your name.  Amen.

THE IMPORTANCE OF WALKING AWAY...!!! - { by Immanuel sunflower }

*"Walking"* is the best exercise!!!
                 - { by Immanuel sunflower }

This is one principle that I've applied and is working for me              

*Walk Away*  from
arguments that leads you to nowhere but anger.

*Walk Away*  from
people who deliberately put you down.

*Walk Away*  from
any thought that reduces your worth.

*Walk Away*  from
failures and fears that stiffle your dreams.

*Walk Away*  from
people who do not care for you and who are opportunistic.
The more you

*Walk Away*  from
things that poison your soul, the happier your life will be.

*Give Yourself A Walk*
Towards love, peace, kindness and goodness

*Give Yourself A Walk*
to God's house and worship Him in Truth and in Spirit.

May God help us daily to walk in the right direction, to walk towards Him and with Him. 

7 Behaviors of A Woman That You Never Want to Let Go

Read it and Care More About Her...!!!!

7 Behaviors of A Woman That You Never Want to Let Go

Are there good, tough women out there? Absolutely. Toughness and sweetness and not mutually exclusive, of course.
When a woman loves you, she doesn’t shy away from expressing her love. She’ll hold your hand, hug you, kiss your cheek, and display her affection for you and the world to see.
Another good sign is when she’s sweet to other (deserving!) people around you. It doesn’t matter if it’s your mother or a distant cousin; she’s seemingly always kind.

How many of us have seen that solemn couple in the restaurant who don’t say a word? Special circumstances aside, this is a manifestation of contentment at best, and unhappiness at worst.
Anyways, a woman that makes you constantly smile and laugh is a keeper. A mutual connection almost assuredly exists that does not surface very often. Do yourself a favor and take advantage of it.
A woman that shares a mutual sense of humor? Give her some bonus points.

Have you ever been in a relationship when being with one another felt like a chore? If so, that’s completely okay, and many of us have been there.
But a women so alluring that you want to be with her whenever possible is a real find. Date nights are what you look forward to the most, as you’ll both revel in each other’s company.
This is a highly positive sign.

You may be in some ratty sweatpants with pink eye, and she’ll still reveal things that she loves about you. Not making enough money at your job? She’ll compliment your hard work regardless.
Despite the circumstances, she doesn’t shy away from showing her adoration.

Partners that ultimately end up falling for each other are often those that understand and anticipate sacrifice.
It doesn’t matter if its 3 AM and you’re stricken with food poisoning. It doesn’t matter if your car broke down and she needs to drive an hour to pick you up. She also does the “little things” that indicate her love for you.
Women that go out of their way are selfless; women that are selfless are almost always great partners, wives, and mothers.

Oh, how much of a gift a low maintenance woman is. When you don’t have to worry about walking through a mall and pulling out a credit card, it’s a joyous occasion.
Related article: 8 Questions Women Secretly Want to Ask In A Relationship
Low maintenance women also tend to be self-reliant and responsible; they do not look for a man to assume responsibilities that are beyond reason.
Do yourself a favor, though, and “reward” her selflessness by surprising her with something special from time to time.

While this last piece is somewhat obvious, it is nonetheless the most important.
At the risk of sounding cliché, trust is the foundation of any meaningful intimate relationship. If she’s never given you a reason not to trust her, count your blessings.
Chances are you’ll never have to contemplate any underlying motives because they’re (likely) aren’t any. When she confides in you – and tells you everything she thinks you need to know, but perhaps don’t – this is a woman with a heart of gold.

If Your Boyfriend Does These 20 Things, It’s a Forever Thing Marry the Man.

Not to sound like everybody’s grandmother here, but finding a man in this day in age is a damn mission and a half. Finding a good man? EVEN HARDER. Finding a man who stays loyal AND plans for your future? Girl, marry him . because that that type of boy is rare.Being a twenty-something year old in 2017 is wild. This is the part of your life where people expect us to settle down and get married, buy a house, and soon after, have babies. Ugh, I know, right?This list is to help you narrow down whether or not your man is ready for the long-run because if you and your boyfriend can relate to the things on this list, you have got yourself a keeper, and you are set for life. Go be free, get married, and live happily ever after.

If Your Boyfriend Does These 20 Things, It’s a Forever Thing Marry the man .

1.He appreciates you and shows it.
It’s not hard to say thank you, and your boyfriend knows that. He tells you how much he loves that you’re his girlfriend.

2. He makes sure you know how beautiful you are.
He does more than just tell you though, he makes you feel it, and won’t stop until he’s sure you know how beautiful you are. All of the things that you’re insecure about are the things that he loves the most about you- and he makes sure that you know it.

3. He keeps it interesting.
Spontaneous mid-day road trips? Hell yes. He takes the time to do little things in your relationship that makes it just that much more interesting.

4. He straight up tells you his plans for your future together.
This one is self-explanatory. Your Forever Boy won’t be afraid to make sure you’re involved in the plans he has for his future.

5. He does things in his life in order to plan for your future.
He saves for long-term things, and he works with you to make sure you guys have the future you want. He does things to better himself in order to better your relationship in the long run.

6.He makes it known that he’s fully committed to you and ready to settle down when the time is right…in case planning for the future wasn’t enough of a forever thing
My boyfriend literally told me that he’s fully committed to me and only me and that he’s been ready to marry me for years. Even though I know that that’s the case, it’s really assuring to hear him say it.

7. He isn’t shady with other girls.
Your boyfriend won’t put you in a situation where you would have to question his intentions with other girls, and he won’t make you insecure about your relationship. If your boyfriend is a forever thing, he wouldn’t make you feel second to other girls.

8. He fully trusts you.
Another self-explanatory point. He trusts the decisions you make and he supports them. He trusts that you’re not going to go out for a girls night and hook up with another dude. It’s the big things and the little things that he trusts you with that show that he’s a forever thing.

9. Everybody knows how in love he is with you.
His family knows, his friends know, even random people in the mall know. They can see it when you two are together. They know just by looking at the way he looks at you and his body language around you that he’s crazy in love.

10. He’s open about his love for you.
Games are for kids. Your boyfriend knows that, so he doesn’t want you to have to guess about where you two are at. He wants you to know that he’s in love with you and that things are going places because you shouldn’t have to guess.

11. He went out of his way to learn about what makes you who you are.
He wants to know why you get anxious when people leave. He wants to know why you hated clowns as a child. He wants to know what happened in your life to become the person that he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

12. He sticks with you no matter what sh*t happens.
I knew my boyfriend was forever when he stayed up with me until 5 am one morning during an anxiety-fueled breakdown where I spent hours trying to get him to break up with me because I thought he deserved better. He didn’t take anything that I was saying seriously because he knew that I loved him despite what I was saying, and he knew that he loved me, and nothing can get in between that.

13. He knows your coffee order.
Honestly, this is probably the most important point on this list… Just kidding, but still super important because why would you want to date someone who doesn’t take 2 seconds to learn how you drink your coffee? Not worth it.

14. He knows your favorite food and restaurants.
You hardly ever have to deal with the “where do you want to eat” dilemma because he knows all of your favorite foods and restaurants. A forever boyfriend cares enough to learn that you need Taco Bell when you’re PMS-ing and that you need soup when the weather is gloomy.

15. He’s your biggest fan.
Your boyfriend will literally support anything and everything that you do, even if he doesn’t fully understand why you’re doing it. He will hype you up and make sure you know that he’s proud of you and that you’re killin’ it.

16. He makes sacrifices for you.
Your boyfriend’s selflessness shows a lot about whether or not he wants this for the long-run. I’m not talking crazy life sacrifices, but those are important too. I’m talking about letting you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians every Sunday because he knows how obsessed you are even though you pretend to hate them. Even little sacrifices mean a lot, guys.

17. His family loves you.
A lot of guys don’t want to tell their families about a girl until he knows that it’s serious- it makes it easy when you break up. If your BF’s family knows about you it means he’s serious about your relationship. If they love you, it’s even better. They’ve opened up to you because they know that you two are going to last a while.

18. He does whatever he can to make you happy.
This isn’t something that your boyfriend is obligated to do, by any means, but it’s something that he wants to do because your happiness means a lot to him.

19. He really considers your feelings.
A fling wouldn’t care whether or not you wanted to have a night in with him instead of him going out because you had a really bad day. A fling wouldn’t realize that they made you upset over something because they know that your relationship is temporary. Your forever boyfriend is the complete opposite of that. They’re sensitive to your emotions and they show it.

20. He remembers the little details about you.
A forever boyfriend knows when you’re having a bad day because of the way that your eyebrows are constantly furrowed. He knows that you dance when you eat really really good food. He knows all of the little quirks you have and he loves all of it because he wants you to know that he’s a forever thing.


_"...  Watch out that you are not deceived.  ...”(Luke 21:  8)_

Whenever a search for specific signs becomes the primary goal in our study of the end times, we are focusing on the wrong end.  Such a misguided focus may drive some toward extremists cult.  The best thing is to focus on the risen King Jesus Himself as the goal of God’s plan.  We are not the first people to have such a goal.  The first generation of Christians dealt with similar challenges.  If we read the words of Jesus and Paul, we will discover what happens when we focus on the right end.  First, when we focus on the right end, we will be ready for Jesus to return at any time.  When Jesus predicted the destruction of the Jewish temple, His first followers asked Him, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?”  In response, Jesus did provide them with a few signs that would precede the fall of the temple and the end time.  At the same time, His closing parable makes it clear that His primary concern was not simply for them to have a detailed understanding of these signs. His desire was for them to be ready for His presence whenever and however these events might happen. (Matthew 24: 3, 42-51) His purpose was not for His disciples to concentrate in the details of the signs but it was to get ready to welcome Him at any time.  Secondly, when we focus on the right end, we see our responsibility to proclaim the gospel all the time.  After His resurrection, when the disciples demanded details about the end of time, Jesus replied quite curtly.  “It is not for you to know times or dates the Father has set by His own authority.”  Then He immediately reminded them of their responsibility to share with others what they had seen in Him. (Acts 1: 7,8)  Jesus turned their attention from “times or dates” and focused them on His work and on their commission to proclaim the gospel.

Dear friends, let us not focus on the details of how time might end. But let us emphasis on the sufficiency of Jesus, the One through whom God will bring about the end in His own time.  The last days are already underway and God’s triumph is sure.

*PRAYER*:  Loving Lord, let me not focus on signs and the details of how the end time would be.  Let me not break my head calculating the seasons and times when it will occur.  But let me have my eyes fixed on Jesus.  Let me get ready to welcome Him at anytime when He comes in the mid-air.  Amen.

Heroes Of Faith - Moses

Heroes Of Faith - Moses

Moses lived to be 120 years old (Deuteronomy 34:7), but it wasn't until he was 80 years old (Exodus 7:7) that God called him to lead His people out of Egypt.

The first 40 years of his life was spent in Egypt learning first from his mother about God (for 12 years) and then learning from Pharaoh the skills needed to run Egypt.

When Moses was about 40 he saw one of his own people being beaten, and he tried to take things into his own hands.  He killed the Egyptian and because of this impulsive act he had to flee from Egypt and from Pharaoh.

Moses spent the next 40 years working as a shepherd for Jethro in Midian.

God needed to teach Moses patience and trust.

Working with the sheep day after day taught him both.  The Bible says that Moses became the meekest man on earth (Numbers 12:3).

Can a woman forget her nursing child ?

“Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? 

Yes, these may forget, yet I will not forget you!
Even if your mother forgets you, I will never forget you.

The Bible tells us in 1 John 4:16 that God is love. He is the complete expression of every possible type of love. A father's love, a friend's love, the love of a bridegroom, etc., for 1 John 4 says that all love comes from God. In today's promise, we see a feminine expression of the love of God.

In this verse, God is posing a question... Can a mother forget the baby at her breast? Is it possible for her to not have compassion on the child that she has birthed? God goes onto say, even if she forgets you, I will not forget you! The following verse in Isaiah 49:16 continues as God tells us that He has engraved us on the palms of His hands. 

What a promise that we have! No matter what happens in this life, no matter what form of rejection we receive... even from our parents, God will not reject us! He will never forget us because He loves us with a father's love and He loves us with a mother's love too! 

May the love of God overwhelm us today with every love that we need. A father's love, a mother's love, the love of a friend, the love of a Savior... May we learn to live in this love (1 John 4:16) more and more for the rest of our lives.

Written by - Christina (Kavitha)


Mind blowing ! Think about it ...


Jacob had twelve(12) sons, and in their names put together was the gospel hidden but now revealed through it. Its so amazing how God hid all these wonderful truths inside simple names and stories.
Here are the names and their meanings:

Reuben:     Behold, A Son is
                    born to us
Simon:       One who hears
Levi:           Attached
Judah:       Praise the Lord
Dan:           He judged
Naphtali :  My Struggle
Gad:           Good fortune
Asher:        Happiness
Issachar:   Reward
Zebulun:    Honour
Joseph:     Add to my family
Benjamin:  Son of

When the names are joined together, this is what it says:


This completely blows one's mind when one discovers it. Jesus Christ is not just a mere name mentioned in sermons. Jesus is the content, the context, the text, the paragraph, the mark and the remark of the *"Word of Truth "*.

Jesus is the outline of the entire Bible. And His "scarlet thread" of redemption links & runs through the Bible!!!!!!!



1.  Wedding is a day but marriage is a lifetime .
2.  A stingy man who is single will still be stingy when married.
3.  Silence can never be misquoted.
4.  If you want what no one has had, you must do what no one has done.
5.  When God wants to bless you, He puts a person in your life. When Satan wants to destroy you, he puts a person in your life.
6.  It is better to be single and alone than to be married to the wrong person.
7.  Avoid a contentious woman.
8.  3 men to avoid:
              a.   A hot tempered man.
              b.   A womanizer.
              c.    A drunkard.
9.  Marrying a comedian does not guarantee a happy marriage.
10. Never be yoked to anyone who will not be yoked to God.
11. 3 words that echo peace in a marriage:
            a.  I love you .
            b.  I am sorry .
            c.  Thank you.
12. Don't waste your time meditating or dwelling on your singleness.
13. Cohabitation is a recipe for marital failure .
14. Deal with anti-marriage dreams.

15. Masturbation is destruction.
16. Marriage without friendship is like a sky without the sun.
17. If you rush into marriage, you may end up with someone who will bury your destiny.
18. A successful marriage is always a triangle : God,  a man and a woman.
19. Why you marry is as important as who you marry.
20. Much happiness in life depends on your marital choice.
21. A man needs divine wisdom from God in choosing who to marry.
22. Do not place your priority on good looks; no woman is ugly, she just needs rebranding.
23. 3 major characteristics to look for in a woman:
              a.  Fear of God.
              b.  Wisdom.
              c.   Discretion (beauty is vanity).
24. The best way to enslave a woman is to show her love excessively - as a rule, women don't run away from where they're pampered.
25. Love is not blind;
Infatuation and lust are blind.
26. Love puts God first,
lust puts sex first.
27. Test every love with your peace of mind, if it is absent, God is not there.
28. If you are a true friend, you will attract true friends.
29. Caring hearts never lack caring hands.
30. Desperation leads to frustration.
31. Bad marriages can be avoided before they begin.
32. Keep yourself pure and your bed undefiled.
33. It is spiritual insanity to plan to convert someone so you can marry the person.
34. Wage war against the devil that fought your parents' marriage.
35. Marriage is a covenant, always look before you leap.
36. It is better to be single and believing God to be married than to be married and believing in God to be single.
37. A broken courtship is better than a failed marriage.
38. Do not marry money or property, marry a person.
39. Be presentable.



_“The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, ...  He is patient ... not wanting anyone to perish, ...”(II Peter 3: 9)_

*A mighty flood drowned the world in the days of Noah and destroyed the world.  And as II Peter 3: 10, next the earth will be destroyed by fire.  When God’s clock strikes the hour, the earth will melt with a fervent heat.  The earth will be burned up and in the great explosion, the heavens will pass away, then new heaven and a new earth will appear. (2 Peter 3: 13)  Today people are brainy and highminded.  They think they know everything   and ridicule the Word of God.  But all this is expected.  In II Peter 3: 3,4 Peter says, “First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.  They will say, “Where is this ‘ coming‘ He promised?  Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”  But in verse 10 Peter warns “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.”  The last days are to be sad days for scoffers who say, “Ha, ha, where is the promise of Christ’s coming?”  Just as the scoffing of evil people did not hold back the flood during Noah’s days, Jesus’ coming cannot be stopped by these modern day scoffers.

Dear friends, what effect should all this have on our lives?   We should be diligent in our service, always be peaceable, spotless and blameless in character.  Because our Lord has not come as yet, let us not give up hope.  Rather rejoice in the fact that His return comes nearer every day.  Let us not grow careless because He is delaying, for one day the Lord will come suddenly. Time is nothing with God -  “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years  are like a day.” (II Peter 3: 8)  He will keep this promise as He has kept all His promises, but according to His own time.  So let us be patient while He delays, knowing that He does it because He gives the last man, woman and child a chance to accept Him.  Peter’s last word of warning is “Beware!”  This is a note of caution.  So let us be on our guard and not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from our secure position. (3: 17)

*PRAYER* :    Lord, when people scoff at the promise of Your coming, let me trust Your promises which are true and trustworthy.  Let me look forward to that great Day with an eager gaze.  Above all help me to be spotless and blameless to be able to meet You in the mid air. Amen.

What is the definition of a cult ?

Answer: When people hear the word cult, they often think of a group that worships Satan, sacrifices animals, or takes part in evil, bizarre, and pagan rituals. However, in reality, a cult rarely involves such things. In fact, a cult, in the broadest sense of the word, is simply a religious system with particular rites and customs.

Usually, though, a cult is more narrowly defined, and the word refers to an unorthodox sect whose members distort the original doctrines of the religion. In a Christian context, the definition of a cult is, specifically, “a religious group that denies one or more of the fundamentals of biblical truth.”
A cult is a group that teaches doctrines that, if believed, will cause a person to remain unsaved. A cult claims to be part of a religion, yet it denies essential truth(s) of that religion.
Therefore, a Christian cult will deny one or more of the fundamental truths of Christianity while still claiming to be Christian.

The two most common teachings of Christian cults are that Jesus was not God and that salvation is not by faith alone. A denial of the deity of Christ results in the view that Jesus’ death was insufficient to pay for our sins. A denial of salvation by faith alone results in the teaching that salvation is achieved by our own works. The apostles dealt with cults in the early years of the church: for example, John addresses the teaching of Gnosticism in 1 John 4:1–3. John’s litmus test for godly doctrine was “Jesus Christ has come in the flesh” (verse 2)—a direct contradiction of the Gnostic heresy (cf. 2 John 1:7).

The two most well-known examples of cults today are the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. Both groups claim to be Christian, yet both deny the deity of Christ and salvation by faith alone. Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons believe many things that are in agreement with or similar to what the Bible teaches. However, the fact that they deny the deity of Christ and preach a salvation by works qualifies them as cults. Many Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and members of other cults are moral people who genuinely believe they hold the truth.

As Christians, our hope and prayer must be that many people involved in cults will see through the lies and will be drawn to the truth of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone.


_“Our citizenship is in heaven.  And we eagerly await a Savior from there,  the Lord Jesus Christ.”(Philippians 3:  20)_

In the 1940s, Samuel Beckett wrote a play called “Waiting for Godot” which is now regarded as a classic.  Two men stand on an empty stage, hands in their pocket  staring at each other.  All they do is stand and stare.  There is no action, no plot, they just stand there waiting for Godot come.  But who is Godot?  Is he a person?  Does he represent God?  Christian ethicist Lewis Smedes suggests Godot  “stands for the dreams that a lot of people hang on to as an escape.”  As the play ends, those men are still standing on the stage doing nothing, just waiting. When the 50th anniversary of that play was celebrated  someone asked Beckett, “Now will you tell us who Godot is?”  Beckett answered “How should I know?”  Waiting for Godot is a parable of many of worldly people’s lives - empty and meaningless, a pointless matter of waiting. And if there is no God of love, grace and wisdom, then life is really a hopeless waiting for empty time to pass.  How totally different though, is Christian hope!  We are waiting and  looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. (Titus 2: 13)  That hope sustains us - a hope that beyond this world lies a life of indescribable blessing.

Dear friends, does your mind return frequently to the truth of Christ’s appearing?  If so is there an eagerness to see Him?  Do you pray for His coming?”  “Maranatha” prayed the early church!  “Come, Lord Jesus”!  Maranatha is a transliterated Aramaic word, which means “Our Lord, come!”  This phrase had become a watchword and a password.  It summed up the vital hope of the early church, and Christians whispered it to each other, identified each other by it  in a language which the heathen could not understand.  In short, Maranatha became the early church’s “Mindset!” The apostle John clearly had a “Maranatha Mindset” when he prayed “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus”, in response to Jesus’ promise,  “Yes, I am coming soon.” (Revelation 22: 20) Do we have that mind set?

*PRAYER*:Dear Lord, let me be ready for the “last moment” by being ready  at every moment.  Let me eagerly wait for Your coming.  At the same time  let me not live empty, meaningless life, but let me live in the hope that beyond this life there lies a great blessing - the heaven.  Amen.


What is so important about early morning prayers.....?

1) Prayer in the morning is so important because you meet God before you meet the Devil.
2) You meet God before you meet the circumstances of life.
3) You talk to God before you talk to many people.
4) You fellowship with God before you fellowship with other people.
5) You hear news from Heaven before you receive any breaking news.
6) You sit before God before you sit before people.
7) You kneel before God before you kneel down before men.
8) You Honour God before you Honour people.
9) You get into His Presence before you get into the presence of people.
10) You feed your Spirit before you feed your body.
11) You call Jesus before you call all other small names.
12) You see Jesus Christ before you see yourself in the mirror.
13) You sweep your heart before you sweep your yard!

So, beloved, wake up and open your mouth and fellowship with your Lord Jesus!

Prayer is a powerful weapon and the weapon is in your hand and d power is in ur mouth, rise up and use the power of prayer to empower yourself.


_“So you also must be ready,  because the Son of  Man wll come at an hour when you do not expect Him.”(Matthew 24: 44)_

“As it was in the days of Noah” .... How were those days?  They were characterised by godlessness and rampant sinfulness.  Every inclination of the thoughts of man’s heart was only evil all the time. (Genesis 6: 5)  Sinful, materialistic, hypocritical, godless mankind has always been wilfully blind to God and His Word of Truth, no matter how compelling that truth may be.  And when God’s truth exposes people’s wicknedness, they make every effort to oppose and condemn it. (Romans 1: 18)  Noah preached righteousness (II Peter 2: 5) for quite a period, yet without the slightest impact  except his own family!  The result was that the entire human race was unprepared for the coming judgment, just as all unbelieving people of this world are unprepared for the Second Coming of the Lord.  What kept the people from listening to Noah’s message and obeying?  Jesus tells us here in Matthew 24: 38,39 that before the flood the people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, selling, planting, building and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away.  Of the activities mentioned here not one is evil in itself, but when done without God all are worldly.  The people lost the best by living for the good.  Then the great flood came suddenly.  Flood is Kataklusmos which gives our English word cataclysm - a large scale and violent event in the natural world, a sudden violent upheaval, disaster, catastrophe, calamity, tragedy, devastation.  The men of Noah’s days failed to realize their perilous situation until it was too late. This generation is utterly oblivious to the Word of God.  Most people do not know that Jesus may come at any time.  Break into a conversation today and ask people if they are expecting Jesus to come back.  That will bring a look that takes you for an insane person!

Dear friends, we have split the atom and and walked on the moon.  We fear the possibility of nuclear disaster, but something greater still is going to happen.  Jesus is coming. And sudden disaster for the wicked also is coming.  How dangerous it is to get so absorbed in the pursuits of life forgetting the coming of these two events!

*PRAYER* :    Dear Lord, though  warned of the coming flood,  the people in Noah’s days lived as if they were flood proof and when it came, they were unprepared. That is just the way it will be when You return.  Help me to be in You, the ark of safety and  escape the terrible times.  Amen


_“The Lord Himself will come down from heaven,... we will be caught up together...  to meet the Lord.”...               (I Thessalonians 4:  16,17)_

*When the message of the Second Coming of Christ was preached to the Thessalonians  many of them had given up their daily work and were standing about in excited groups, upsetting themselves and everybody else while they were waiting.  Ordinary life had been disrupted.  Paul advised them in his letter that the best way in which Jesus Christ could come upon them was that He should find them quietly, efficiently and diligently doing their daily job.  “The thought that Christ will someday come is not a reason for stopping work; it is a reason for working all the harder and more faithfully.  It is not hysterical and useless waiting  but quiet and useful work for the Lord which will be a man’s passport to the Kingdom”, writes Barclay. The message of the Second Coming of Christ had brought another problem to the Thessalonians.  They were expecting Christ’s coming very soon.  They expected themselves to be alive when it came but they were also worried about those Christians who had died.  They were not sure that those who had already died would share the glory of that day which was so soon to come.  Paul’s answer is that there will be  one glory for those who have died and those who survive.  Paul laid down a great principle. The man who has lived and died in Christ is still in Christ  even in death and he will also rise in Christ.  At the Second Coming Christ will descend from heaven to earth.  He will utter a loud command, and then the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God will waken the dead.  Then the dead and the alive will be caught up in the clouds to meet Christ, and then they will be forever with the Lord.

Dear friends, the man who lived all his life with Christ is  never unprepared to enter His presence.  It is only the man who lives in the dark and whose deeds are evil will be caught unprepared at the Lord’s coming.  If a person lives in light, if he is watchful and sober, no matter when that day comes, it will find him ready.  Waking or sleeping, a Christian lives already with Christ, and is therefore always prepared.

*PRAYER*: Loving Lord, Your coming will be at any moment, day or night.  It will be sudden.  But since I have the confidence that I live with You, and my life is already with You, I am prepared to meet You any time.  Help me to stand firm in You till my end.  Amen.


_“... Lord  God Almighty reigns.  Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! ...”(Revelation 19: 6,7)_

McArthur writes further that the nation of Israel demands that Jesus comes back.  In the Old Testament we read repeatedly that God promised a kingdom to Israel, that Messiah would come and give them a kingdom.  Messiah did come, but they did not get a kingdom.  Isaiah 59:20 says,  “The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins.”  Jeremiah 23:5-6 says, “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. In His days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety.” Well, this has not happened to Israel.  The first time Messiah came, they killed Him and rejected Him.  But He will come back again.  They will trust Him. He will save them, give them peace, prosperity, security and a kingdom. In Matthew 26, we read of the death of Jesus.  When Jesus was arrested and made to stand before the Sanhedrin, the high priest questioned Him, “I charge you under oath by the living God.   Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.”  Jesus said to him, “Yes, it is as you say. In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”  At this the high priest tore his clothes as he thought it was blasphemy.  They spit on Jesus’ face and struck Him with their  fists.  That was the last view the chief priest and other had about Jesus.  But Jesus will not let this end with His humiliation.  The world will one day see Him in power and they will see Him in glory. So Jesus is coming back to show Himself as the King of kings.  Now Satan is exalted in the world.  He is called “the prince of this world”, “the god of this age” and the whole world lies in his hands.  He has the power of death. But Jesus has broken that power on the Cross.  Now Jesus is coming back to dethrone Satan. Roman 16:20 says, “The God of peace will soon crush Satan.” 

So dear friends, let us not cast away our hope.  Jesus is coming.  There is eternal life ahead.

*PRAYER*: Dear Lord, when You came to this world the first time, You were humiliated by the Jews.  But You will come again as the King to fulfill the prophesies and rule the earth forever.  Let me be a citizen of this heavenly kingdom.  Amen.

Do you want to develop your faith?

Sometimes we put way too much pressure on ourselves! We complicate things! We confuse ourselves or feel so over-burdened that we give up before we even try.

The truth is, the way of the Lord is very simple. And when we learn the ways of God and then practice His teachings, then we can soar.
Jesus’ mother was a simple woman. She knew how to get things done. And she knew the ways of Jesus. 

What is your need:
Identify what you need.Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into truth.Find Scriptures that address your need.Pray about how you can act on God’s Word.Do whatever the Word of God tells you to do.
Remember, the servants only obeyed. Then Jesus fulfilled the need using a miracle. You do your part. He will do His. You trust in Him. He will fulfill His promises.
“Whatever He says to you, do it.”

Do you want to develop your faith? Imagine how your life could be if you totally believed what God says in His Word. What would it be like if you put your total trust in the Lord?

Think about casting all your cares on Him . . . and then Him delivering on His promises. That’s what living a faith-driven life is all about.

Frogs story

A group of frogs was traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit.
All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.
The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump out of the pit with all of their might.
The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead.
Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.
The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die.
He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?"
The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

Lessons to be learnt:
1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day.
2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill him or her.

Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of words.... it is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times.
Special is the individual who will take the time to encourage another.

Thinking - Out of the Box - Moral Story

Many hundreds of years ago in a small Italian town, a merchant had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to the moneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the merchant's beautiful daughter so he proposed a bargain. He said he would forgo the merchant's debt if he could marry the daughter. Both the merchant and his daughter were horrified by the proposal.

The moneylender told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty bag. The girl would then have to pick one pebble from the bag. If she picked the black pebble, she would become the moneylender's wife and her father's debt would be forgiven. If she picked the white pebble she need not marry him and her father's debt would still be forgiven. But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail.

They were standing on a pebble strewn path in the merchant's garden. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick her pebble from the bag.

What would you have done if you were the girl? If you had to advise her, what would you have told her? Careful analysis would produce three possibilities:

1. The girl should refuse to take a pebble.
2. The girl should show that there were two black pebbles in the bag and expose the moneylender as a cheat.
3. The girl should pick a black pebble and sacrifice herself in order to save her father from his debt and imprisonment.

The above story is used with the hope that it will make us appreciate the difference between lateral and logical thinking.
The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.

"Oh, how clumsy of me," she said. "But never mind, if you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which pebble I picked." Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she had picked the white one. And since the moneylender dared not admit his dishonesty, the girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into an advantageous one.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Most complex problems do have a solution, sometimes we have to think about them in a different way.

BUILDING BRIDGES - Two brothers story

Once upon a time two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch.
Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.
One morning there was a knock on John's door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenter's toolbox. "I'm looking for a few days work," he said.
"Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there. Could I help you?"
"Yes," said the older brother. "I do have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm. That's my neighbor, in fact, it's my younger brother. Last week there was a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done this to spite me, but I'll go him one better. See that pile of lumber curing by the barn? I want you to build me a fence - an 8-foot fence - so I won't need to see his place anymore. Cool him down, anyhow."
The carpenter said, "I think I understand the situation. Show me the nails and the post-hole digger and I'll be able to do a job that pleases you."
The older brother had to go to town for supplies, so he helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day.
The carpenter worked hard all that day measuring, sawing, nailing.
About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The farmer's eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped.
There was no fence there at all. It was a bridge... a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of work handrails and all - and the neighbor, his younger brother, was coming across, his hand outstretched.
"You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I've said and done."
The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in the middle, taking each other's hand. They turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his shoulder. "No, wait! Stay a few days. I've a lot of other projects for you," said the older brother.
"I'd love to stay on," the carpenter said, "but, I have many more bridges to build."

Life Story of Colonel Sanders - Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)

Once, there was an older man, who was broke, living in a tiny house and owned a beat up car. He was living off of $99 social security checks. At 65 years of age, he decide things had to change. So he thought about what he had to offer. His friends raved about his chicken recipe. He decided that this was his best shot at making a change.
He left Kentucky and traveled to different states to try to sell his recipe. He told restaurant owners that he had a mouthwatering chicken recipe. He offered the recipe to them for free, just asking for a small percentage on the items sold. Sounds like a good deal, right?
Unfortunately, not to most of the restaurants. He heard NO over 1000 times. Even after all of those rejections, he didn’t give up. He believed his chicken recipe was something special. He got rejected 1009 times before he heard his first yes.
With that one success Colonel Hartland Sanders changed the way Americans eat chicken. Kentucky Fried Chicken, popularly known as KFC, was born.
Remember, never give up and always believe in yourself in spite of rejection.

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