ELOHIM'OLOGY... Chapter 102: Introduction of ELOHIM'OLOGY

Shall we bow our heads in a word of prayer together?!!

Father, as we take a look into Your Scriptures, please,.. enlighten our minds, with the light of Truth that shines forth FROM Your.Torah,.. in the Wonderful Name of.Yahushua,.. we pray,.. Amen.

Scriptural References, include:

Gen 1:1-2..,Gen 14:13..,to. .begin with!!

As always. .you're encouraged to please make use of the KJV.., of the Scriptures.
Otherwise Quoted.., I will also.make use of the PNV, known as the Paleo- Name Version,... a Messianic Version of the Scriptures!!..and will make mention of.it, when necessary!!

Lecture Notes..:

As previously mentioned above..., this is our Introductory Lecture, to the Concept of..
ELOHIM'OLOGY!!...,so..it is my sincere desire that we..go.through this section, as..thoroughly as possible!

Please.., Keep in mind.that the enemy of your soul... ( the devil), has this one objective in mind, and that is: TO KEEP you. FROM the Truth!!

You.are about to discover,.. just how.. supernatural.. the Torah,.. really is!!
Best buckle up!!

Our.first Scriptural Reference, points us ..way back, to the very beginning of this earth's history,..

we.pick up our Divine Narrative, in the.first verse of Gen 1:1.., a passage of Scripture, most familiar to most.folk!!
And. in the KJV.. ,it renders the following:
"..In the beginning,.. God ..created.. the heavens and the earth!!"

Now...,as from.. now on..,I make use of the Names....,
Elohim.., Eloi.., Eloah.., El..,etc..as THIS Word.means..
Mighty One.., Strength, or.Awesome One!!

This... is describing a Being..., or Two Divine Beings,... of TREMENDOUS POWER!!
Obviously,.. The Divine Pattern!!

Now...,let's look at the .word: Science.( si- ens) 
Noun.., 1.Learning or study.. concerned with..


IF...Science is the..
"..Search FOR Truth, based on the Latin word for.. Scire, which means.. to KNOW.., to ignore.."the Truth, and continue to follow lies ( deception), would be unthinkable; but even IF folk find out the Truth, they still participate in "pseudo- science ( that's FALSE knowledge, untruth) if they remain in error!!


Wouldn't you want to make use of the Real Name of the Creator??
THIS my dear fellow TOBI Students, is ..
FOUNDATIONAL material. IN.a better building!!

Now...let me quote a verse from the PNV.., in Prov 18:10...

"..The Name of YHWH ( pronounced: Yod Hay Waw Hay..) IS.a Strong Tower; the righteous run to It, and are safe!!"

Tell me..,didn't you have a sense of reverential awe, when you repeated His Name??
I would like to suggest, let's pause right here, just for tonight, as we shall pick this up in much more momentum, as from tomorrow evening!!

Let's pray.

Father, THIS here is deep stuff!!
We need Your power, more and more,day by day!!
In the Name of Yahushua, we pray, Amen!

Stay tuned for much more to come!!
Much love, and added blessings!!

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