_“If  anyone loves me,  ...  My Father will love him,  and we will come to him and make  our home with him.”(John 14: 23)_

The word for fellowship in Greek is “Koinonia”, which means to share in common. As believers all of us share in common the life of Christ.  The Law was the old covenant.  It could not save any man because all it did was to reveal sin to man.  Man could not get rid of sin by his flesh.  So God brought a new covenant - the covenant of grace. He saved us by grace and He put His Spirit within us. (Ezekiel 36: 26, 27)  Therefore since God’s Spirit is in us, we all are sharing God’s Spirit. That is fellowship.  God is inside us and is having fellowship with us. God included all, not only the Jews but also the Gentiles who called on His name into His fellowship.  This is clearly explained in Ephesians 4: 3-6. Paul writes in verse 3, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Then he says that there is one body. As far as God is concerned, there is only one body of believers irrespective of Jews or Gentiles.  We are all one body in Christ Jesus.  Second, one Spirit.  There is only one Spirit.  It is essential that blood flows to every cell in our human body in order to keep it alive.  So also, one Spirit courses through every member of Christ’s body which has Christ as its Head.  Third, one hope of our calling.  The blessed hope of every single Christian is eternal life.  Our hope is that when we die, we will be absent from the body and present with the Lord.  Fourth, one Lord. There is only one Lord, one Head, Jesus Christ who purchased us all by His own blood, of whom we are the members.  Fifth, one faith.  There is one faith, which comes from hearing the Word of God. Sixth, there is one baptism, one union - the baptism of the Holy Spirit and above all one God and Father who is over all and through all in all.

So dear friends, let us cast off all differences between us and be in fellowship with everyone accepting one another with the love of Christ.  Let us be united as members of one body with Christ as our Head.

*PRAYER*:   Dear Father, help me to remember that I, along with my fellowbelievers, am the member of one body, of which Jesus is the Head.  Let us forget all difference of opinions and accept one another with brotherly love.  Let there be unity and harmony among us always.  Amen.

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