_“...  Leave your country,  your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.”(Genesis 12: 1)_

*God’s call to Abram was not easy for him to follow.  He was 75 years old, established in his community, and tied in closely with his extended family.  God could have said,  “Abram, you can stay in Ur. I’ll be your God and I’ll use you here to fulfill my purpose.”  No.  God told him to leave his familiar surroundings and head off to some unknown destination.  God did not even reveal first where Abram would be going.  Surely, there was no highway,  only a rugged path, and no motels and fast food restaurants.  Abram could not call home and let everyone know how things were going on.  He had to say good-bye once and for all to his country and relatives, and set out to follow God.

Dear friends,  while God may not ask us to leave our country  or our families, He does call us to separate ourselves from all that would hinder our complete commitment to Him.  Sometimes a person may have to make a break with family, which is very painful.  Jesus said in Luke 14: 26, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple.”  He did not mean that we should despise or needlessly alienate our families.  The Bible is clear that we should honor our parents and love our families.  But Jesus did mean that if our closest loved ones stand between us and Him, our choice is clear.  We must follow Christ.  Recently a young man from Sikh background, Sukwant Singh accepted Christ.  To give up his Sikh identity he cut his hair and beard.  Because of this he was expelled from his community and was rejected by his family members.  Most of us will not face that kind of family opposition to follow Christ.  But even those from Christian homes sometimes face subtle pressure  not to follow Christ fully.  Sometimes parents insist their children not to go to the mission field but take up well-paying jobs.  But the Lord makes it clear.  If it comes to love for Him versus love for family, we must follow Him.  It may result in rejection and persecution. But let us obey God’s Word though it is much easier to disobey.

*PRAYER* :  Heavenly Father,  You have called me by name and given me an assignment.  If something else, even my own family  prevents me from obeying Your call, let me not waver.  Give me the determination to go forward  in Your path. Let me seek Your will and not my own. Amen.

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