_"For He spoke,  and it came to be;  He commanded,  and it stood firm.” (Psalm 33: 9)_

The Word of God is precious to His children.  It is like a compass that guides people of God through desert of this world.  The psalmist says in psalm 119: 105, that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path.  It is like a rudder as we sail the uncertain seas of life. Psalm 33: 4 says, “The Word of the Lord is right and true.”  Those who read  that Word, honor the Word and live by the Word, know how precious the Word of God is.  From His Word we can discern His will for the course of our lives and we can find out how we are to live day by day.  How precious is His Word !  Let us praise God for that.  Secondly, His Word is personal.  In His Word we learn about the Lord Himself. His Word is His revelation of Himself to us and to the world. Without reading His Word, it is impossible for us to know the nature of God. How else could a holy, transcendent, eternal God reveal Himself to man; only through His Word!  God so longed to reveal Himself to humanity that He revealed Himself in the pages of a Book.  Not just any book!  God has chosen to reveal Himself in the pages of the Word of God.  Let us praise Him for His Word because it reveals the nature of God to us!  Thirdly, God’s Word is powerful.  In Psalm 33: 6-9, the psalmist reminds us that everything we see around us was spoken into the existence by the Word of God.  Everything visible and invisible, everything large and small, everything far and near came into existence through the Word of God.  In Genesis 1: 3 God spoke for the first time and light appeared out of the darkness.  All through Genesis 1, God kept speaking and great things kept appearing.  His Word has power then and has power even today.  So let us praise Him for His Word for it is infused with divine power!  It will stand though the entire world is against it.

Dear friends,  let us rejoice in the Word of God because it is precious, personal and powerful.  Let us never pass a day without reading and meditating it.

*PRAYER* :  Heavenly Father,  how precious is Your Word to me; it guides me, comforts me, rebukes me.  Your Word is powerful that it heals, creates and recreates. Through Your Word I know about You.  Let me never neglect Your Word but meditate it daily.  Amen.

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