_"Yet I hold this against you:  You have forsaken your first love.”(Revelation 2: 4)_

The Church of Ephesus was solid and grounded in the truth.   It was a church based and built on sound doctrine.  They knew what they believed and they practiced it.  Their purity and service to the Lord was unquestioned, but they had deserted their first love.  They were so much caught-up in duty that they had lost their devotion.  Their labor was commendable but their love was contemptible.  Like Martha, they were so busy that they had no time for Jesus.  Their relationship for Christ was based on performance rather than passion.  They were far more occupied with the work of Christ than with the Person of Christ.  One preacher of the old used to say, “People can be straight as gun barrel theologically, and as empty as a gun barrel spiritually.”  This statement sums up the condition of the Church of Ephesus.  They were straight but they were empty.  The love mentioned here by the Lord is “first love”.  Dr Glen Spencer writes, “It is the honeymoon love of the newly wed.”  Jeremiah 2: 2 describes this love, “I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the desert.”  Israel is pictured here as the loving bride who clings to her beloved bridegroom.  In their desert wanderings the Israelites were separated from Egypt  and totally dependant on God.  At that time they had absolute devotion for Him.  This is the love that Jesus wants and deserves.  Isn’t it astonishing that the Almighty God of heaven so values our love that He misses it when we fail to love Him as we should?  Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22: 37).

Dear friends, regardless of their great achievements, the Ephesus Church had failed in this most important task. No matter what else we may accomplish, when we fail to love our Lord with all our heart - we fail most miserably. Duty without devotion does not satisfy our Lord.  If our service is not carried out because of our love for Christ, our service will not amount to much.

*PRAYER*  :   Lord, I remember those wonderful days when I was first saved.  I read my Bible and prayed passionately. I delighted in having fellowship with Your people.  But I feel that I have left my first love now.  Forgive me.  Help me to serve You out of love rather than out of duty.  Amen.

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