_“Give thanks in all circumstances, ...”  I Thessalonians 5: 18)_

Each of us should pray daily the following petition which is found in the Anglican Order of Service.  “We beseech Thee to make us truly sensible of Thy mercy and give us hearts always ready to express our thankfulness, not only by words, but also by our lives in being more obedient to Thy holy commandments.”  Paul writes in I Thessalonians 5: 18, “Give thanks in all circumstances.”  Each word in this verse has a precious truth to ponder.  “Give” is a sacrificial word.  The Acts 20: 35 says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  Hebrews 13: 15 says, we are encouraged to “continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise.”  How much we enjoy the benefits so freely and fully bestowed upon on us by our Lord. !  Shouldn’t we take time to meditate upon all His goodness, and praise Him from whom all blessings flow?  Second word is “Thanks”.  Thanksgiving for all things is never out of season, for we have always so much to be thankful for.  Gratitude pleases the bountiful Giver.  With an unknown author let us sing, “A thousand blessings, Lord, to us Thou dost impart, we ask one blessing more, O Lord - a thankful heart!”  Third word is “in”.  The Apostle did not say, “Give thanks for all circumstances.  Certain calamities overtake us for which we cannot kneel down and express gratitude.  But we can give thanks “in” them because we know that our all-wise God never makes a mistake and that what He permits must be for His glory and for our good.  Fourth is “all circumstances”.  Here, again Paul did not say in “some” circumstances  but in “all” - in everything.  We find it easy to be grateful for the good things of life but not for the  bitter cup.  Yet the dark threads are as needful as the threads of gold and silver in God’s pattern for our lives. 

Dear friends,  as those who are the Lord’s, besides being grateful for worldly blessings, we need to be thankful to God always for He has chosen us in His beloved Son even before the foundation of the world and that He sent Him to make atonement for our sins.  How much greatly privileged are we!

*PRAYER*  :    Dear Lord, help me to sing like the Saint, “Through dark and death, through fine and frost, with emptied hands and treasures lost, I thank Thee while my days go on.”  Let me thank you in all circumstances; let me thank you above all for the greatest gift of salvation.  Amen.

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