☝🏻..Let's bow our heads in prayer, shall we..

Abba., Father.., shine Your Light of.Truth upon each one.of us..now..and always, in the Name of.Your.Son..,Yahushua, we pray, Amen.

Scriptural References:
Wayyiqra... ( Numbers) 6:22--27..,Acts 9:21..,respectively!!
And do you suppose, that.. IF...we're goin to be learning.., Paleo- Hebraic Linguistics,.. that YOU.. won't be..learning the.. Paleo- Hebraic Names for.the.. Books of.the Tanakh??

Have you ever wondered WHY.. Sha'ul (remember THIS☝🏻..,is..actually the Paleo- Hebraic Name for.Paul,.. so.as from now n.that's the name I'll be.using when referring to.him!!)
..as I was.saying:
Have you ever wondered why there was a plot to STONE Sha'ul??

Keep.in mind.that it was he...,Sha'ul, who had previously persecuted the.. Early Believers,..
simply for...,just SAYING the Name.., calling ON.the Name of Elohim!!

Then, that passage goes on to describe.. HOW, they had.actually PLOTTED to stone.. Sha'ul!!
Indeed, Sha'ul was.stoned.. FOR that Name, but.. he was NOT destined to expire THAT way!!

Then in Acts 7..,we learn of.Stephen, who also. .suffered an.agonizing death by .stoning,.. ALSO for uttering the Name...,causing the Sanhedrin ( Jewish Religious Minister's Fraternal). .to cover their ears, and stone him,... to death!!

Bear in mind, that at THAT time, leaders were heavily influenced by.TALMUDIC LAWS, and. were already starting to turn their backs on the True observance of the ..Torah!!

It...therefore,... should NOT surprise anyone, these days, when..history IS..being repeated!!

This is why. .the other Sects,.. the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, picked up stones, also, in order to stone Yahushua.., our Saviour!!

Please,go.and look up the following Scriptural texts, John 5:43..,17:6..,17:26..,Acts 4:7..--17..and 3 John 1:7...,respectively..,
and THESE Scripture texts, will give insight to the problem of USING the Name!!

You see.,at..Mikva.. ( ie,Baptism), the Believer, who had just been converted, thus becoming a FOLLOWER, was IMMERSED ( or.Baptized) INTO the Name...,
and., the placing of. Hands on them certainly involved using the Name!!

Tonight, I'll end off our Lecture, with the...

SHAMMAH,... a " PRIESTLY BLESSING",FROM the TORAH, found in Wayyiqra ( Num) 6:22--27..,

YHWH bless you;

YHWH make His face shine upon you show favour to you;

YHWH lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace ( shalom)!!

So..they ( priests) will put My Name on the Yisraelites, and I will bless them..!!"

I will expound a little more on this, in another lecture, in due course!!

Let's pray.
Father, Your Name, is great, and worthy of praise and adoration!!
Thank You for revealing Truth to each one of us, in the Name of Yahushua, Amen.

Until our next Lecture, much love, and added blessings!!

ELOHIM'OLOGY... Chapter 102: Introduction of ELOHIM'OLOGY

Shall we bow our heads in a word of prayer together?!!

Father, as we take a look into Your Scriptures, please,.. enlighten our minds, with the light of Truth that shines forth FROM Your.Torah,.. in the Wonderful Name of.Yahushua,.. we pray,.. Amen.

Scriptural References, include:

Gen 1:1-2..,Gen 14:13..,to. .begin with!!

As always. .you're encouraged to please make use of the KJV.., of the Scriptures.
Otherwise Quoted.., I will also.make use of the PNV, known as the Paleo- Name Version,... a Messianic Version of the Scriptures!!..and will make mention of.it, when necessary!!

Lecture Notes..:

As previously mentioned above..., this is our Introductory Lecture, to the Concept of..
ELOHIM'OLOGY!!...,so..it is my sincere desire that we..go.through this section, as..thoroughly as possible!

Please.., Keep in mind.that the enemy of your soul... ( the devil), has this one objective in mind, and that is: TO KEEP you. FROM the Truth!!

You.are about to discover,.. just how.. supernatural.. the Torah,.. really is!!
Best buckle up!!

Our.first Scriptural Reference, points us ..way back, to the very beginning of this earth's history,..

we.pick up our Divine Narrative, in the.first verse of Gen 1:1.., a passage of Scripture, most familiar to most.folk!!
And. in the KJV.. ,it renders the following:
"..In the beginning,.. God ..created.. the heavens and the earth!!"

Now...,as from.. now on..,I make use of the Names....,
Elohim.., Eloi.., Eloah.., El..,etc..as THIS Word.means..
Mighty One.., Strength, or.Awesome One!!

This... is describing a Being..., or Two Divine Beings,... of TREMENDOUS POWER!!
Obviously,.. The Divine Pattern!!

Now...,let's look at the .word: Science.( si- ens) 
Noun.., 1.Learning or study.. concerned with..


IF...Science is the..
"..Search FOR Truth, based on the Latin word for.. Scire, which means.. to KNOW.., to ignore.."the Truth, and continue to follow lies ( deception), would be unthinkable; but even IF folk find out the Truth, they still participate in "pseudo- science ( that's FALSE knowledge, untruth) if they remain in error!!


Wouldn't you want to make use of the Real Name of the Creator??
THIS my dear fellow TOBI Students, is ..
FOUNDATIONAL material. IN.a better building!!

Now...let me quote a verse from the PNV.., in Prov 18:10...

"..The Name of YHWH ( pronounced: Yod Hay Waw Hay..) IS.a Strong Tower; the righteous run to It, and are safe!!"

Tell me..,didn't you have a sense of reverential awe, when you repeated His Name??
I would like to suggest, let's pause right here, just for tonight, as we shall pick this up in much more momentum, as from tomorrow evening!!

Let's pray.

Father, THIS here is deep stuff!!
We need Your power, more and more,day by day!!
In the Name of Yahushua, we pray, Amen!

Stay tuned for much more to come!!
Much love, and added blessings!!

Old Testament Apologetics.. Ch :101.Examining.. The Divine Pattern!!

Welcome Back To Theology Online Bible Institute..

Before we go into Bible study..
Let us..pray!
Father, right now..calm us,..empty us of all unnecessary stuff, that may hinder our walk, then.. FILL us with the splendour of Thy Truth revealed, in Jesus' Name.we ask.Amen.

Introductory Comments :

There are many other prophecies relating to the rise and fall of world kingdoms, found in the book of Daniel, that have been accurately fulfilled!!
Some folk have determined these prophecies to be impossible to be true, because of the PROBABILITIES, and have concluded that they ( prophecies) must have been written. AFTER the events!!
The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered.. AFTER 1946,..contained most of the Old Testament, and are dated to.at least the third century. BEFORE Christ!! This of course proves that the prophecies were made at least 200 years BEFORE Christ's first Advent ( or first Coming, as a Babe)!!

NO other man in history has ever been backed by THIS level of PROBABILITY, and NO other book,.. can claim the level of detail in predicting the future,.. AS..the Bible!!

This kind of accuracy is quite difficult to discount, unless,.. of course, we resort to the politician's practice of distorting the facts because they do nor suit us!!..( something, we must vow..as leadership, NEVER to do!!)

I invite you.to test the accuracy of the accuracy of the Bible THROUGH its prophecies,..
ESPECIALLY, those concerning. the PERSON of Jesus!!

Scriptural References :
John 14:6..,Matt 16:15--17.., and especially.. 1 Cor 8:6...,respectively!!

Lecture Notes :

Examining the  Divine Pattern!!
Pilate ( the Roman Governor, as previously mentioned), had indeed asked a critical question OF Jesus..,

"...WHAT is truth??"

If.only he ( Pilate) had waited for an answer, he might have received these words..,
" I am the Way,the Truth ,and the Life : no man cometh unto the Father, but BY Me...!!"..John 14:6.
You see..,
Jesus.. states the truth, in terms of a relationship TO.His Father!! He IS the Way.TO the Father ( that's ACCESS!!)

In another incident, whilst speaking to His followers ( Disciples), He asked them..,
"But,whom say ye..that I am..??"..

Notice if you will, Peter's response..,
"Thou art the Christ ( Greek=Kristos..,meaning: anointed One), the Son of the Living God!!"..

Watch verse 17..
"..Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona ( son OF Jona): for flesh and blood hath NOT revealed it unto thee, but My Father which is IN heaven!!"
Matt 16:15--17.

Well, the answer TO. Pilate's question WAS, that Jesus IS the Truth,..
and the central point OF this truth is that JESUS is the CHANNEL or Way ( ACCESS ) TO.the Father!!

In essence.. THIS is.the absolute truth of the Divine Pattern, and notice how Paul, in his first Epistle ( Letter) to the Corinthian Church, defines THIS pattern remarkably FOR us.. :
Please read carefully and prayerfully..
1 Cor 8:6...preferably in the KJV!!
Did you notice what Paul's definition of the Divine Pattern is???
Paul, here.refers to..
"One God,.. The Father!!"* OF Whom..., and..
"One Lord Jesus Christ, THROUGH Whom...!!"

The pattern is discovered in those two words that immediately follow the Names of Father, and Jesus Christ!!
Allow me to break it down ( or rather, simplify it )If you will!!

Three things we shall look at,viz..
Being.., Pattern.., Definition ( and this, with the help of Strong's Concordance), starting with the Father,.. then.. Jesus. Here we go!!

Divine Being:

Pattern :
Greek-- ' Ek'=OF Whom

Definition :
Ek, or  Ex..- ( Greek words, long BEFORE the Afrikaans words were developed, I know our South African TOBI Students are smiling little loudly).. Ek,.. a primary preposition denoting.. ORIGIN,... SOURCE, the point FROM whence motion or action. PROCEEDS!!
( AND of course, you already know, and are familiar with the Hebrew word, BERESHITH, from which we derived the word. GENESIS! Hmmmm!! Awesome!! ( c.f.. Gen 1:1)
Now, let's do the same for Jesus, shall we!!

Divine Being :
Jesus Christ.

Dia.... ( Greek word,)meaning: BY Whom

Dia... ( pronounced, Dee- ah'..)..-a primary preposition denoting the CHANNEL OF an act; another word is..
Paul had defined the Divine Pattern for us in that verse above!!

So,we may safely declare, that..
the cornerstone relationship OF the universe is..Ek----Dia ( Greek), or in English, OF Whom----BY Whom!!
Therefore, the Father IS the Origin or Source OF what??
"ALL things!!"
And, then.Jesus IS the Channel OF what??
"..ALL things!!"
Tremendous Truth!!

Here we find the universal relational principle of all things INCLUDING LIFE ITSELF!!
WE might state it this way,..where LIFE IS..,
By the Greek word for Life is ,Zoe!!

Let's state it then:
Ek----- Dia = Zoe.
Hmmmm., this is where we pause until our next Lecture!!
Trust you're being benefited and blessed!!

Shall we pray!!

Father, it all started with Thee, we just give our heartfelt praise, just to know and understand THAT PRINCIPLE of Truth revealed!!
In Jesus' Name, we pray, Amen!

God bless you in abundance!!


Today we will learn about spiritual discernment.before we get in ...

Let's pray.shall we.:

Father, we thank You for allowing us.to dig deeper into Your Treasure Box..of Truth!
We know that as we search, we shall find, more meaningful gems..,as enabled by Your Spirit, in the Name of.Yahushua we pray..,Amen.

Scriptural References:
Jer 17:9..,1Cor 2:14..,and.., John 1:5..,respectively!!

Introductory Comments:
Soo.now.I have a question..:
What is.God ( from now on.in our Lectures, I'll be referring to ..ELOHIM.., instead of..' God'!!)really like...??

It's a simple question, yet.made complex.., because the Scriptures says..

"..the heart ( or mind),is DECEITFUL above all things, and desperately wicked: WHO CAN KNOW IT??"..Jer 17:9.

Then.in 1 Cor 2:14.., Paul..( Sha'ul ,in Hebrew) ,reiterates,..
"...the THINGS of the Spirit... are..SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED..!!"

By nature, we..( humans) are.deceitful, we do not understand, and we actually do NOT seek after Elohim!!
Elohim's thoughts,.. are completely DIFFERENT to ours!!
Therefore it is impossible for us to seek and find Elohim with the mindset that WE...are the ones who initiate the desire to find Him!!
When..in actual fact..,tis Elohim who seeks after us!!
We discover this.., marvelously illustrated in the parable of the Lost Sheep..( see Luke 15)!!

Now.the sad truth is.. WHILE we have the ignorance of a sheep, we also have the nature of a serpent!!
This means..,that when Elohim seeks after us.. WE...naturally push Him..away and reject Him!!
Hmmmm.., something to ponder about!!
Just look at our 3rd Scripture Reference, it actually declares that...
"...the darkness ( obviously.., due to clouds of lies and deception) COMPREHENDED it NOT!!"
...John 1:5.
Further on.in..John 1:11..,
"..He ( Yahushua) came unto His own,and His own received Him..NOT!!"
now.that's sad,indeed!!

First in line, to receive of His grace,His mercy, His Divine Oracles, were His own People, the Yahudim ( A.K.A...Jews), but.as a Nation, they too rejected Him..as the Promised Messiah..
YAHUSHUA Ha Mashiach!!

Now, we shall not go too in depth on this, as it's goin to take.a very thorough study, step by step, for us to unravel many traditional concepts that we have misapplied over eons of time, as result of pagan influence!!
Our.subject is.dealing with Spiritual Discernment, being a POSSIBILITY!!

Obviously, the adverse concept, would be to refer to it being an.impossibility!!

And that... is NOT.what we shall find!!
On the contrary,..

Spiritual Discernment is.a NECESSITY!!
AND.. VITALLY IMPORTANT in times like these, because we've become inundated with deceptive concepts, that surround us on every hand!!
So...,in our next Lecture, we shall continue to develop this possible concept, as we further search the Scriptures, as we explore Elohim's..

DIVINE NARRATIVE..., on Spiritual Discernment!!
May.you be blessed, as I am,..,as together, we see...
"..WONDROUS things out of Elohim's Holy Word, the Scriptures!!

Let us pray.

Father, we are so glad to have such opportunity to search the Scriptures,.. may we continue to find more Truth, in so doin, in the Name of Yahushua, we ask, Amen!!

Until.next time, may you be blessed, and... much love!!

The Correct Principles of Biblical Interpretation...!!! Part 2

The Correct Principles of Biblical Interpretation...!!!

Let's bow our heads in a word..of prayer,, shall we..??!

Merciful Father,, how excellent is Thy Name,, in all the earth!!
We bow before Thy Throne..in adoration. There is none...like Thee..!!
Make our hearts (minds).. receptive to the Teaching of Truth derived in Thy Word..in Jesus Christ mighty Name we ask...Amen..

Psalms 119:105,,serves as our Scriptural Reference tonight as we look into these Principles of Interpretation...
And it declares.. ( obviously in the KJV..)..πŸ˜‰
"Thy Word..is a LAMP unto my FEET,... and a ..LIGHT..unto my PATH ....( emphasis is mine...!)..!!"...

Now...as you may...or may not know..,,
The Bible was written by approximately 40 men,,over a period covering about,, 1500 years..!
And since the last writer of the Bible has been dead for over more than..1900 years..there are definite problems in understanding the..
exact meaning of certain passages of the Bible!!!

So...there's a need to interpret CLEARLY,, certain passages of the Bible... because there's a gap...
between the way we think and the WORDS we use today,,and the words used by those Bible writers,, thousands of years ago.!
Most Bible Scholars have pointed out that there are ...
Language gaps.., ie..differences in words that we use:
There are also...
Cultural gaps... because,, different customs were in vogue,, back then..!!
There are...
Geographical gaps,,... certain rivers that are spoken of in the Bible,, have long since..dried up!!

Now some..places..spoken of frequently in the Bible...

are NOT on our modern maps..!!

And then ..

there are Historical gaps ...eg..the Bible speaks of kings and empires which existed only years ago..!!

Therefore...there is need...for..
Correct Biblical interpretation !!!
So...this is what you have been waiting for...
Let's look at these Principles in greater detail..shall we...

1#...ALWAYS...remember that the Bible is Gods 
iow...There are NO..mistakes in the Bible..!
God has included everything in the Bible...thats necessary for you...to know.,,concerning Salvation..and your..Christian life..!

2#...Interpret the Bible in the light of its..
Historical background ..!!
Here are three aspects...of this:
2.a)#...Study the Personal circumstances of the writer..!!
e.g...when studying the Book of Revelation..it is very important to understand WHERE John was and WHAT he was doing when God gave him..this marvelous revelation!!
2b)#...Next...Study the culture and customs of the country at the time...the story was taking place...e.g..
When studying about Ruth...its important to note..the customs concerning widows...
redemption of property ...,etc..as they are explained in the Book of Leviticus 25...and Deut 25...respectively..!!

2c)#..and the third aspect..of THIS Principle is to Study and Interpret the Bible in light of the actual historical situation..and events that were taking place..at the time...of the Story.!!
e.g...when Studying about the Gospels....it is important to REALIZE that the entire land of Palestine and all of the Jews were being governed and oppressed by the Roman Empire...AT THAT TIME...!!!

So...tonight we have just focused on these Two Main..Principles of Correct Biblical Interpretation..
and..this...is where we shall...PAUSE..

Just for tonight..in order to allow all this to digest in be absorbed..until its crystal clear..!!
We WILL look at more Principles...tomorrow..!!

Let us pray...

Father...indeed...Thy Word...IS...a Lamp..
Thank YOU...Lord ..for enlightening...our minds..thus far.!!
We look forward to learning MORE...of Thy Powerful...Word..!
May..we apply...what we have learned..up until..now..in Jesus Name..Amen.

God bless..you all..


... A third of the sun was struck, ...and a third of the stars,  so that a third of  them turned dark.  ...”(Revelation 8: 12)

In May 1984 National Geographic showed through color photos of the swift and terrible destruction that wiped out the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in A.D.79.  The explosion of Mount Vesuvius was so sudden, those residents were killed while in their daily routine men and women were at the market, the rich in their luxurious baths, slaves at toil.  They died amid volcanic ash and super heated gases. Even family pets  suffered the same quick and final fate.  It takes little imagination to picture the panic of that terrible day.  The saddest part is that these people did not have to die.  Scientists confirm what ancient Roman writers record - week of rumblings and shakings preceded the actual explosion.  Even an ominous plume of smoke was clearly visible from the mountain days before the eruption.  If only they had been able to read and respond to Vesuvius’ warning!

Dear friends, there are similar rumblings in our world now warfares, earthquakes, the nuclear threat, economic woes, breakdown of the family and moral standards.  While not exactly  new, these things do point to a coming Day of Judgment. 

Let us not be caught unprepared, for the Word of God warns us of all these things that would happen at the end times. 

The prophet Joel prophesied, “The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.”  Zechariah 14: 6 says, “On that day there will be no light, no cold or frost.  It will be a unique day, without daytime or night- time - a day known to the Lord.” 

Jesus Himself said in Luke 21: 26,27  “Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” 

 He has warned us in John 16: 4, “I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you.” So, let our whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (I Thessalonians 5: 23)

PRAYER :   Almighty God, there are so many incidents happening in this world which point out that Your coming is very very near.  The prophesies in the Bible warn me, and  You Yourself have talked about Your return. So let me not be caught unprepared when You come in glory.  Amen.


Scriptural References:
Exod 20:8--11.., Exod 16:26.., Lev 23:2-3..,Deut 5:14..,and Ezek 46:1.

Let's bow our heads in prayer, shall we...

Father in heaven..,yet again we approach Thy Holy throne, and praise Thee for watching over us during these trying times!
We plead that the promised strength and mercy would be our portion, as we...,Students of Thy Holy Word,... peruse and make application, of that which we discover as gems of Truth, in the Name of Yahushua we pray, Amen.

Introductory Comments and Welcome:
As Chancellor of this Institution, I wish to welcome each TOBI Student back to our Main Campus, and it is my sincere prayer, that we all experience the joys of amazing discovery, as together, we search the Scriptures!!

Since February, this year,..the whole world, has been in a crisis, so to speak!
Mixed emotions run wild, as people still grapple with the after effects of...a so called.. Pandemic!!
I say.so called, because... right now..there are 95% of folk who DON'T know what's really goin on...,ONLY 4%...who apparently DO...(know).., and 1%..,who are orchestrating and scrambling for World wide Rule and Dominion!
This is serious indeed!!
Fear tactics have been implemented, to control and manipulate citizens of the countries of the world,... and for the genuine/true child of Elohim,..

Isn't it amazing, just how many folk are absolutely terrified, with what's goin on at present?
But when one weighs evidence, one must only come to the conclusion that all this was strategically planned, many years in advance, by that very 1% ELITE group of people ( so called)!!
I shall NOT.., however, be dwelling on such details..., as yet, but rather, let us take a look at what the Creator PLANNED, thousands of years ago,... shall we??!

Referring to Malachi 4:4--5..,the prophet Malachi calls or should I rather say..appeals, to us, to.
"..REMEMBER ye ( that's all of us) ,the law of Moses ( Hebrew=Mosheh).., My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for ALL Israel.. WITH the Statutes and Judgements..!!"
Then.the next verse (5) continued to speak of the Elijah Warning Message, that must be proclaimed, just prior TO the actual return of the LORD!!

REMEMBER the Sabbath Day..,to keep ( ie.guard, protect) It HOLY ( sanctified, or set apart for a holy purpose)!!

One more thing TO remember,...
Mosheh... ( I simply love using his original.., Hebrew name).. Mosheh DIDN'T command Israel to keep it,..the LORD ( ELOHIM) DID!!

And so..WE...remember the Sabbath EVERY seventh day, just as Elohim..instructed Mosheh, not only in Exod 20:8--11, but also in those above mentioned Scriptural references, already given.!!

When the Apostle Paul, writes his Epistle ( ie.. Letter) TO young Timothy, he ( Paul) reminds Timothy of the impending conflicts and doom of the last days...
Paul spoke of..
"..PERILOUS TIMES ( or seasons) ,that.SHALL come..!!"

Did it not occur to you, that we are NOW.IN those very times??
WE ARE NOW living..."..( just).. BEFORE the great and dreadful day of the LORD..!!"
Mal 4:5.

Take note of this next commentary....
"..Christ gave to Moses.. religious PRECEPTS, which were to govern the EVERYDAY LIFE. THESE STATUTES were explicitly given to GUARD ( PROTECT) the Ten Commandments. They were NOT shadowy types, to pass away with ( or AT) the death of Christ! They were to be binding upon MAN in EVERY AGE, AS LONG AS TIME should last!!"

---Review and Herald, May 6 th,1875..
Since this needs to be well researched, we will pause here for now, and gladly continue, in due course!!
We ARE.living i.those very end times, which the prophet Malachi spoke about!!
And, that which PAUL also spoke of!!
So.just how important are those Statutes??
In our next Lecture, we SHALL discover more!!
Stay tuned!!

Let's pray:
Father,. we thank You for this opportunity to learn wondrous things out of Thy Word, in the name of Yahushua,.. Amen!!

May.Elohim's blessings be yours, now and always.
Much love,..
Professor ( Emeritus) Leon.
The Chancellor of TOBI.

Correct Biblical Principles -TOBI ( Bible Study )

For the sake of New Students/ Readers, ,I'm go in to begin with a Bible Lecture on..

Correct Biblical Principles.... (Especially in Studying God's Word,, as well as your deep, Theological Studies



Father in heaven. Please open our understanding, to clearly...Perceive Thy Word, in Jesus' Mighty Name...we pray. Amen


Here's the Scriptural Reference for our Lecture :

KJV ( 2 Timothy 3:15-16 ) “15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise Unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness..”


This is our Introductory Bible Lecture. As part of a Series, dealing with..Correct Biblical Interpretation...!!!

Stay tuned for next  Lecture,

 Now...listen carefully,, the Bible is the greatest of all books, ever Written God Himself speaks to men. As a book... Of divine instruction,, It offers comfort in sorrow, Guidance in perplexity,, advice and counsel for our problems, reproof and rebuke for our sins,,..and daily inspiration for our every need!!

Actually,, It's not just simply one book. It is an entire Library of books.. covering a wide range of Literature.

 It includes history,, poetry,, drama,, biography,Prophecy,,philosophy,,science,,as well as inspirational reading!! Little wonder,,then,,that all or Part of the Bible has been translated into more than..1200 languages,,and every year...more Copies are sold.. than any other single book.!!


The Bible alone...is capable of providing answers to the greatest questions that folk through out All ages have asked..e.g..

Where have I come from...?? Where am I go in? Why am I here?? And How can I know the Truth??....


You see...It's the Bible,,only,,that reveals the Truth about God..

(that's why...we studying Theology,, Right????)

The Bible explains the origin of man...explains that age-old problem of sin,,and suffering.. THEN,,points out the ONLY Way to Salvation and Eternal Life...!!!


The Great Subject of all the Bible,,is..

The Lord Jesus Christ and His Work of Redemption for all mankind!!!

Thus,,the Person and Work..(which we endeavour to study thoroughly,,this year)...are promised,, prophesied,,and pictured in the Types (ie Typology,,come on,,stay close with me here..)..and Symbols of the Old Testament...!!!

(Any wonder,,why we're studying,,Old Testament History???...)

And we shall deal more carefully and in depth when we look at..

Old Testament Apologetics!!

In all of His Truth and Beauty,,the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed (so remarkably)..in the Gospels!!

And the full meanings of His Life,,His Death,,and His Resurrection,,are explained in the Epistles (or Letters)..!


Glorious,,imminent Return (..Second Coming)...to this earth in the not so distant future,,,is Unmistakably foretold in the Book of Revelation...!!!

Thus..the Great Purpose of the Written Word..is no doubt,,to reveal the...

Living Word,,the Lord Jesus Christ Himself!!!!

(Look at..John 1:1--18..as our Scripture Reference)..!!

Now..before I wrap up...the Lecture..

Allow me...to outline the following...Which I wish to call..

The Seven Great Things,,that The Bible does for our Individual( Study) Benefit:

1#...The Bible helps us discover and bring conviction of..SIN.

2#...It helps to CLEANSE us..from sin's pollution.!

3#...It IMPARTS Strength..!!

4#...It Instructs us...in WHAT to do.!!

5#...It Provides us with a Sword for Victory over sin!!

6#...It makes our lives Fruitful!!

7#...It gives us,,POWER to Pray more effectively!!

May God bless you as you pledge to further study thoroughly His Holy Word,,as you,,as a Fellow

Disciple and Minister of the Gospel,,prepare to serve in God's Vineyard!!!



Let's bow our heads as we pray..

Father,,,gentle take each one of us by the hand and lead us through,,the Journey of Discovery,,

Of Thy Eternal Truth,,may..Whilst It works IN us,,work also THROUGH us,,in Thy Precious Name,,

The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,,Amen...


Our next Lecture,,will deal more with Correct Biblical Interpretation,,in greater details


The Desires Of Your Heart

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” (Psalms 37:4)

Good morning beloved. What are your desires today?

Psalms 37:4 says that if you delight in the Lord, He’ll give them to you.

Isn’t that a wonderful promise? We get to delight in the Lord, and because of that, He gives us all that we desire.
Imagine your boss at work telling you to go spend more time and have fun with your loved ones, and because of that, he’ll give you a promotion, a raise, and a big bonus. Wouldn’t that be great?

But how do we actually go about delighting in the Lord?

If we look at the definition of the word ‘delight’, we can see that basically means to ‘experience great pleasure’.

Putting this in context, the psalmist is telling us to rejoice, to be happy, to enjoy the presence of the Lord.

And this comes from knowing who God truly is…

Knowing that He loves you so deeply that nothing can ever come between you and His love.

Knowing that He’s so powerful that nothing can ever stop Him from helping you.
Knowing that He’s already given you every good thing.

Now many of us usually ‘delight’ after we have our desires. It seems to be the ‘natural’ sequence.

But God’s Word is telling us to delight in Him first, and then we’ll have our desires.

So essentially, we do not need to have our desires physically in our hands first in order to rejoice.

God is saying that we should rejoice, be happy, take great pleasure in Him, before we have our desires physically, because He is the source of our desires. He is our strength. He is our joy. He is our provider. He is our healer. He is our protector. He is our redeemer. He is the source of everything good thing that we could ever want or need.

So take pleasure in the Lord today! Rejoice, be happy, and delight in the Lord! And you shall have your heart’s desires.

Be Greatly Blessed!

 *Action Steps:

Delight in the Lord today. Remember who He is to you. What He’s done for you.

Take pleasure in the fact that He’s already given you every good thing.

Enjoy His presence. Soak in the fountain of His blessings.

Praise Him. Worship Him. Give thanks to Him.

Lift up your spirits, for He is our wonderful, merciful saviour.

Our Abba Father God.

Let’s pray…


 Father! As I open my eyes today, I’m once again amazed by the beauty of your wonderful work.

I love so much to linger in your presence. To soak in your bountiful blessings.

You’ve given me so much and I’m only just beginning to understand the width and depth of your promises.

You O Lord are the source of all my desires.

When I’m in your presence, I already have every good thing I can ever want or need.

How great are you Lord, that the angels worship you and the stars sing praises to you.

And yet you hold me in your arms and number the hair on my head.

I’ll continue to dwell in your loving presence today Lord.

I’ll delight myself in you.

For you’re my joy, my desire, my love.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Who Is A God Like You?

 ‘Who is a God like you…’  (Micah 7:18)

Who is like Jehovah? Found at the beginning of the book of Micah, and at the end of the book, Micah sums up with, “Who is a God like you?”

Well, this is a question that people should ponder daily, for the Lord is incomparable to all things, big and small.

He is incomparable in His holiness, His power and His love.”
There is none like Him.

So then, the answer to the question that Micah asks is, “No one is a God like you.”

He is the One true and only Living God.

Our relationship with the LORD is crucial to our overall choices in this lifetime. How we live in this world is dependent on what we belive in. It’s dependent on who we believe in.

What we do, what we say, what we believe, and how we bring the Gospel of Jesus into our lives, are key components to being people of faith, and a followers of Christ.

All that we do should be a reflection of Him and His ways. His light shines through us and from within us; “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (KJV)

Our lives should align with the Word of God, and our acts should always reflect the goodness of the Lord, our God.

This can be expressed in a variety of ways; the way in which we live our life, the way in which we give to others, the way in which we act toward others, and the way in which we respect and love others, all of these examples are reflections of the LORD, and ways in which we honor God and stay be the overflow of His blessings and love for the world.

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.’ (Micah 7:18)

Be Greatly Blessed!


Father, who is a God like you?

A God who loves me so much He makes the ultimate sacrifice for my sake.

A God whose holiness, power, and love are beyond comparison.

A God who promises to always be with me. To never leave me nor forsake.

Great are you Lord, the King of kings, the Lord of lords.

In all your majesty and glory, you’ve chosen to love a wretched soul like I once was.

You’ve cleansed and redeemed me, that I can now proudly stand in your presence as your royal child.

Thank You for Your promises, and the assurance of knowing that your covenant with me will never change.

Thank you for giving us the inheritance as your children.

Thank you for your unchanging character and your unfathomable love.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


God Give Me One More Chance...

 “Then Peter came up and said to him, ‘Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.’” Matthew 18:21-22.
What a powerful message Jesus is sending in this moment. Peter understands that people need second chances sometimes. But what Jesus is saying is that we must continue to work with others even when they have wronged us. It can take a great amount of time and patience with some, certainly more than others. The important thing is that we all keep trying in the face of adversity.

We must be patient with those around us just as the Lord is patient with us. Everyone is on their own journey and we each have our own strengths and weaknesses. Today I challenge you to forgive someone in your life who has wronged you. Can you think of anyone who has recently let you down?

On another note, if you have found yourself coming up short lately, embrace the opportunity for a second chance. Perhaps you have not been living as though the Lord would approve of. The Lord is patient with us, and through Jesus we can be forgiven for our sins. Take the opportunity to confess to your sins.
Alternatively, perhaps you have recently not been righteous to someone in your life. Does anything you’ve done recently stand out to you? Take the opportunity to apologize to those you have hurt. If you see an opportunity to make amends, jump at the chance! You may be pleasantly surprised by their willingness to offer a second chance to you. What is the harm in trying?


“Lord, thank you for being patient with me. Your love and kindness knows no limits and I thank you for the opportunity to have a second chance when I have sinned. I want to work hard each day to make my life a righteous one worth living. Help guide me to be the best that I can be.”

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


 Final Thoughts:

There will come times in our lives in which we may give or receive a second chance. What a moving gesture if we can be the ones to do so. If instead you are the one getting that second chance, seize the moment! Through the Lord all things are possible!

If you have someone in your life that would benefit from hearing these words, please help spread the love of the Lord!

Be Greatly Blessed!

God's Love : Unconditional, Unchanging, Unending !!!

 “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1 John 4:10)
Good morning dear brothers and sisters.  Dear child of God, do you know that you’re deeply loved?

In fact, God’s word says that this is the very definition of love – not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to save us from our own sins.

For God is the source of love. He’s the reason we’re able to love and be loved. He is love.
We often hear the command for us to love God more, to love others more, to love ourselves more even. But it is only by first knowing God’s deep love for us that we’re able to truly learn to love.

1 John 4:19 says that we love, because He first loved us.

Truly, those who are forgiven much, love much.

When we understand the extent of God’s love for us, what He has done for us, what He has planned for our future, then love will naturally grow within us.

There’s no need to forcibly conjure up love within ourselves.

We may go through the motions of doing lovely deeds, but without authentic, genuine, God-inspired love, it all means nothing.

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.” (1 Corinthians 13:1)

So dwell in God’s love and relish His embrace today.

Go through His Word, find out all that He’s done for you, and let love naturally well up within you.

Be Greatly Blessed!


Father, I’m humbled by your deep love for me.

In your love, I can fully place my trust.

For I know, that nothing can ever stop your love for me.

Not sin. Not the devil. No power on heaven or earth can ever come between your love and me.

No, not even I myself can stop you from loving me.

That’s the blessed assurance that I have.

As I dwell in your love today, teach me to love others as you’ve loved me.

Let your compassion and mercy flow in and through me to touch the lives of those around me.

So that they too, can have a glimpse of your love and seek you out.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


May The Lord Smile On You

 May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)
Good morning favored one! The Lord is smiling on you today.

Do you know you’re the apple of His eye? The treasure of His heart?

He’s saying to you today, as He’s said to Jesus, “This is my beloved child, in whom I’m well pleased!”
Because you’ve been cleansed by Jesus’ blood, you now stand before Him fully righteous and lovely.

As white as snow, as fresh as the morning dew.

Revel in His blessings today, for His face shines upon you.

His favor will follow you everywhere you go today.

Doors will open, obstacles will be removed.

He’ll defend you, protect you, and fend off any enemy who dares to attack the child of God.

The enemy may try to deceive you into thinking that you’re not deserving. He may try to steal your dreams, kill your joy, and destroy your relationship with God.

But know this, Jesus has turned the evil one into a footstool. Nothing can stand between you and God’s love.

Can you see how pleased God is with you today? How much He enjoys being with you?

Therefore, dwell in His love and favor today. Remember that God is always smiling on you and let His peace guard your heart.

Be Greatly Blessed!

 Action Steps:

Remember that God is smiling on you. He’s greatly pleased by you. And He loves spending time with you.

Do not be fooled by images of an angry God. Jesus has already paid the price. There’s no reason for God to be angry with you.

Instead, because of what Jesus has done, God has all the reasons in the world to bless you and shine His favor upon you.

Keep His smile and favor in mind. Be prepared to be amazed as miracle after miracle happen in your life and blessing after blessing chase you down and fill you till you overflow with God’s love.

Let’s pray…


Father, what a beautiful sight it is to see your smiling face.

Knowing you’re pleased with me gives me strength to live my life to the fullest.
Your favor, blessings, and peace surround me as I go into the day.

I rejoice in your loving presence.

I’m thankful that even though you know everything about me, you still love me completely.

Thank you for never giving up on me.

Help me to keep my eyes on you today.

Help me to continue to please you and glorify your name.

I delight in your loving presence Lord.

And I’ll continue praising you throughout the day, as your face continues to shine on me.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Fountain of Life

 Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it: but the instruction of fools is folly. Proverbs 16:22.
Wishing you blessed day my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. 
For centuries people diligently sought a fountain of youth, a spring that offered eternal life and vitality. Still today people look for lotions, powders and potions that promise youthfulness, optimum health and anti-aging. And yet the Bible offers something more substantial and lasting. God’s wisdom is a fountain of life that can make a person happy, healthy, and alive forever.

When we live by God’s Word, he washes away the deadly effects of sin. Titus 3:5-7 says that ‘He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.’ The hope of eternal life with Him gives us a joyful perspective on our present life. This fountain of life not only keeps and preserves us from all evil in this life but offers the promise of wholeness and health into eternity.

The fountain of youth is a fallacy, but the fountain of life is a reality, that is attainable for all who desire to put their trust in Jesus Christ. This fountain of life is a vivid image that gives us the impression of fresh, cool, life-giving water for all who are spiritually thirsty. Jesus Himself is this fountain of life who can quench our thirst forever and offer us eternal life (John 4:14).

Final Thoughts:

Perhaps we find ourselves in a place of spiritual seeking, thirsting for more than this world has to offer. Perhaps we feel dry, tired and restless for a hope that will last beyond the latest fad of our culture. Come to Jesus the source of living water. He promises to give us true rest and refreshment. When we find the fountain of life, we will never thirst again.

Lord, I come to you because I am weary and worn out. I am thirsty for a life with you. Forgive me for looking elsewhere for the rest, refreshment and joy that you alone offer. Thank you.’

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,



Be Greatly Blessed!

COVID-19 QUARANTINE - In Biblical View

The Latin root of the word "quarantine" is "forty".
So what does the Bible say about 40? 
The flood lasted 40 days.
40 years Moses fled Egypt.
40 days Moses stayed on Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments.
Exodus lasted 40 years.

Jesus fasted for 40 days.
Lent is 40 days.
40 days for a woman to rest after giving birth.
A group of theologians thinks the number 40 represents "change”.  It is the time of preparing a person, or people, to make a fundamental change.
Something will happen after these 40 days. Just believe and pray.  Remember, whenever the number 40 appears in the Bible, there is a "change".
Please know that during this "quarantine" rivers are cleaning up, vegetation is growing, the air is becoming cleaner because of less pollution, there is less theft and murder, healing is happening, and most importantly, people are turning to Christ.  The Earth is at rest for the first time in many years and hearts are truly transforming.
So, during this time, enjoy it with your loved ones and return to the family altar together. Family prayer is a great blessing.  Through prayer you will see the changes God can work in you and in your home.  Christ promises us that everything works together for the good for those who love God: Romans 8:28!
Remember we are in the year 2020, and 20 + 20 = 40.
Also, 2020 is the year of the United States Census.  Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, was born during a census.
Lastly, 2020 is perfect vision.  May our sight focus on the Lord and living according to His perfect vision for us knowing He holds us in the palm of His hand.
May these days of "quarantine" bring spiritual liberation to our souls, our nation, and our world.
The best is yet to come.
Trust in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!.

God Is Watching Over You

 He surrounded them and watched over them; he guarded them as he would guard his own eyes. (Deuteronomy 32:108)
As you wind up your day, be comforted in the knowledge that God is carefully looking after you and your loved ones.

Can you imagine having the creator of the heavens and the earth as your watchmen?

He’s ever watchful, never negligent nor slumbering. He protects you from all evil, blessing you as you go out and come in.
No detail is too small to be noticed by His loving eyes. No problem is too big for Him to solve.

So rest confidently with God keeping watch. No thief will be able to steal from the beloved of the Lord.

Be Greatly Blessed!

 Action Steps:

Feel safe under the protection of God. He’s constantly watching over you.

No matter what the enemy is planning, He’s already many steps ahead.

He sees the evil one coming from far away and defeats him even before he has a chance of harming you.

God is your watchmen, your protector, your bodyguard.

Be at ease, for your God is watching over you.

Let’s pray…

Father, thank you for watching over me and my loved ones as we prepare to rest.

You are the watchman that never slumbers. The guard that never fails.

No evil can come near me under your watchful eye.

Even if a thousand fall by my left hand, and ten thousand by my right hand, I’ll fear no evil, for you are with me.

No matter what the enemy has planned, I know you’ve already seen it coming from afar off.

With you watching my back, I can be fully at ease.

Praise your Name O Lord, for who is like you?

You take care of every detail in my life. You protect me from harm. You even gave me eternal life.

Because of you, I can feel safe even when I’m surrounded by my enemies.
In you alone will I place my faith. For I know that you’ll never let me down.

You’ll never leave me nor forsake.

So I go into the night in your assuring presence. Enveloped by your loving embrace.

May your praise be in my heart even as my body falls sound asleep.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


God Keeps All His Promises

 What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.” (Genesis 28:15)
Beloved, what a blessing it is to have God as our personal guardian!

He’s promised to protect us wherever we go and give us all the good things He’s promised in His Word.

He goes before us to prepare the path and clear off our enemies.
He protects us from the back to prevent any unforeseen attacks.

Whatever the enemy has planned, He is always many steps ahead.

Even when Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, God used it to raise him to the highest office in Egypt.

Even when the Roman soldiers nailed Jesus to the Cross, God used it to redeem us.

For truly nothing can disrupt God’s plan for you. His plan to prosper you will continue to be in motion until He’s finished giving you everything He has promised you.

You no longer need to worry about anything, for God Has promised to supply everything you need according to His riches in Glory.
And unlike some people on earth who break their promises, God is incapable of lying and His Word never returns to Him void.

So rest in His protection and supply today.

Be comforted by the many promises and blessings of God.

He’ll lead you out of captivity, into a land flowing with milk and honey.

Go ahead! Drink from wells you did not dig. Eat from vineyards you did not build.

For God has given you rest, abundance, health, peace, and every other good thing – exceeding abundantly, above and beyond anything you can ever ask or think.

All because of what Jesus has done.

Be Greatly Blessed!

 Action Steps:

Remember God’s promises today. Whatever you need, whatever you seek, God has already provided them for you through Christ Jesus.

Trust in God’s Word. Do not be deceived by the illusions of the world.

For faith is the substance of things hoped for. Believe in God’s promises, and you shall see them come to pass in your life.

Let’s pray…


Father, thank you for all the promises you’ve given me.

What an assurance it is to know that you’re always with me.

No matter what I do, no matter where I go, you’ll never leave me nor forsake me.

For, you always keep your promises.

You Word never returns to you void.

May your favour be upon me wherever my foot treads.

May all that I do greatly glorify your Name.

For truly, you’re worthy of the praise of a thousand tribes.

So bless me and keep me today Lord, as I keep your promises in my heart.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Trust In God’s Timing

 “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Beloved, God has promised to make all things beautiful in its time.

Trust in Him and let Him unfold the pleasant surprises He has prepared for you.

He’s the one who sets the stars and planets in their precise orbits.

He’s the one who times the tides and the waves.

He’s the one who hears every beat of your heart.

No detail escapes His care.

So trust in His timing. Do not worry about when this will happen or when that will happen.

Did He not send Jesus to earth at the perfect time to fulfil His promise?

If we can trust His timing with regards to our eternal life, why wouldn’t we be able to also trust His timing with our daily lives?

So be rooted in His love today. Have faith in His strength and trust in His timing.

For God has set eternity in your heart. All of time, from the beginning to the end, exists within you through Jesus Christ.

In reality, all that you need has already been given to you. All of the promises of God have already been gifted to you.

All you need to do is to believe. Let your heart dwell in the Kingdom of Heaven where all of God’s promises have already been fulfilled.

Trust in God’s timing, and you’ll surely see the wonders of God’s hand unfold naturally in your life.

Be Greatly Blessed!


Father, I know that I can be impatient at times.

Even though I know that you’ll make everything beautiful in its time, my flesh still tends to worry when I can’t physically see the progress that I expect.

But Lord, I know that no matter what the appearances are, the truth is that you’re working behind the scenes on my behalf.

Teach me to trust in your timing Lord. Let my heart be still and sensitive to your promptings.

For there’s no need to rush, worry, or fear, when I know that you are with me.

Guiding me. Protecting me. Loving me.

Thank you Lord. May all glory be to you.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


The Gift Of Prayer

 _Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. (James 5:13)_ 

Prayer is a wonderful gift from God. It’s the key that unlocks all doors and the answer to all your problems.

The Bible tells us to pray whenever we or someone we love are in trouble.

But have you ever wondered whether prayer really helps?
Does it even make a difference in the outcome of events? Or does it just make us ‘feel better’?

Well, James 5:16 answers that by saying, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Haven’t we already been made righteous by Jesus’ work? Doesn’t that mean that our prayers are powerful and effective?

So why is it that we don’t always see the results of our prayers?

To answer this, let’s look at a prayer warrior in the Old Testament – Daniel.

You’ll notice that Daniel prayed regularly facing an open window, looking toward Jerusalem.
Does this mean that we should always physically face in the direction of Jerusalem before praying?

No, of course not. But we should understand that Jerusalem here represents the promised land. It’s what God has given to His chosen people. It’s a symbol of God’s promises coming true.

That’s also why the Israelites were healed from snake bites by looking at the bronze serpent. For it represented what Jesus would do for us on the Cross (by His stripes we are healed).

Therefore, when you pray, turn your eyes from your problems and look to the promises of God.

And soon enough, you’ll be singing songs of praise for your answered prayers.

Be Greatly Blessed!

 Action Steps:

What troubles do you have today? Find a corresponding promise of God and meditate on it.

Pray to God with the finished work of Jesus in mind. Imagine what it would be like if your prayer was already answered.

How would you feel if your troubles went away?

Would you feel relieved? Secure? Joyus? Thankful?

Keep hearing and reading the Word of God, keep meditating on His promises, keep praying with ‘Jerusalem’ in view until faith genuinely wells up within you and joy replaces sorrow.

Let’s pray

Father, thank you for always hearing me.

Your Word says that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

It’s only through Jesus’ work that I can stand before you righteous today.

Show your strength mightily through me Lord.

For I know that the answers to all your promises are “Yes!” and “Amen!”

I turn my eyes away from my problems today and look to your fulfilled promises.

I receive the answers to my prayers right here, right now.

Praise you O Lord, for you truly are a God who hears me. My ever-present help in times of trouble.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


God Turns Evil Into Good

Dear Brothers and Sisters...,

 _…the Lord your God…turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you. (Deuteronomy 23:5)_ 

Have you realized that our Father in heaven is a God that turns evil into good?

All throughout the Bible, our Lord turns sinners into the redeemed, sickness into health, weakness into strength, mourning into dancing, sorrow into joy!

No matter how dire a situation may seem, He always manages to turn it around.

If you’re caught in a storm, He calms it and brings you safely to shore.

If you’re surrounded by enemies, He protects you and gives you peace all around.

If you’re hungry, He feeds you with baskets full of leftovers.

When the prodigal son was at his lowest point in life, the father showers him with his love and clothes him with his inheritance.

When the Israelites were caught in between the red sea and a raging army, the Lord opened up the sea and used it to protect His people.

When Joseph was cast into prison, God used it to raise him up to the highest office.

Is there any evil in your life today? Rejoice! For God can turn it into good.

Perhaps there’s a secret sin you’ve been struggling with. Or maybe you have money, health, or relationship problems.

No matter what’s troubling, God can turn it around.

So praise God when you see evil. Give thanks, not for the evil you currently see, but for the victorious turnaround through God’s hand.

Be Greatly Blessed!

 Action Steps:

Rejoice whenever you see a problem today. Give glory to God for turning evil into good.

In John 9:2, Jesus’ disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

To which Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God would be displayed in him. While it is daytime, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
And Jesus went on to heal him and recover his sight.

Some people read this to mean that God created this man blind so that He can later heal the man and be glorified for it.

That can’t be further from the truth!

Can you imagine a Father who blinds his own child, just so that he can later take credit for healing the child?

We’d put such a person in prison!

The truth is, there’s blindness (or sickness, lameness, death, etc.) in this world because it has fallen to sin.

The man’s blindness may not have been directly caused by his or his parents’ sin, but it is through sin, that death and sickness came into the world. (There was no blindness, disease, or death before the fall.)

But more importantly, Jesus did not bother with pointing fingers or finding fault.

Instead of seeing a blind man in front of Him, He saw a perfectly healthy man, made whole through His redemptive work, and gave glory to God.

So when you see evil today, look past it and see the good that God creates out of it!

Let’s pray…


Father, thank you for redeeming me.

Thank you for turning my sins into righteousness through the work of Jesus Christ.

I will rejoice today for you are a God who turns mourning into dancing.

You are a God who turns curses into blessings.

You turn weakness into strength.

You turn sickness into health.

You turn poverty into abundance.

You turn strife into rest.

You turn worry into peace.

Most of all, you’ve turned a sinner like me, into your righteous, blessed, and beloved child.

Glory be to you! My Saviour, my Redeemer, my God!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


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